Diabetes UK - digital survey

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Hope you're all well and don't mind me popping along and posting this!

You may have seen this if you have visited our website over the last few days, but I've set up an online survey so we can try to find out a bit more about the people who use our site - what they look for, what they'd like us to talk about, amongst other things - with a view to improving both the website and our general presence online.

If you've got a spare few minutes, it'd be great if you could complete the survey.

Here's the link:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DiabetesUKWebSurvey

If you've got any questions at all, please do let me know!

All the best,


Joe Freeman
Digital Communities Manager
Diabetes UK
I did the survey, but only because I want things to be better for us, has any one else done it?
thought id let u guys know what i put in the survey in regards to what i would like to see duk do

acsess to pumps for every one who needs them , complications awareness , test strip prescriptions for type 2's and free meters for type 2's , availabilty of carb counting and diabeties management courses , awareness of mental health within diabeties
I've done survey, but prefer not to say what I've written, as wouldn't want to influence anyone else, not that anyone might of course.
I would encourage all to complete survey and add suggestions.
Completed>>> some good points there Bex
Thanks to those who've taken it so far. Really value your views and I think it'll be really helpful to give us some direction for the future of all our online activity.

Thanks again!

Just filled it in.

I asked for more awareness of different types of diabetes, and more public awareness of what to do if you encounter an unconcious diabetic.

Too many people would still try and inject you if you were unconcious and they found you carrying your insulin pen 😱

Completed survey - Said chatroom would be nice for peeps who might get stressed waiting fer help/replies on here 🙂
Saw this on Twitter yesterday and popped by to fill it in.
I've just completed the survey.
I've just completed it.

One thing i mentioned is that it would be nice to read positive things about long term diabetes and not just complications all the time...thank goodness i try and keep positive 🙂

Bernie xx
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