Diabetes UK condemns 'tragic failure' of West NHS

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Health services in the Westcountry have been shamed as some of the worst in the country for delivering checks for preventable diseases.

A new report from Diabetes UK revealed that just 25 people in Cornwall ? almost zero per cent ? were offered the NHS Health Check in 2011-12 while in Plymouth it was only 4.2%.

The checks, which test people aged 40 to 74 for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, were significantly higher in Devon at 12.3% but still below the England average of 13.9%.

In its report ? called Let's Get it Right ? Diabetes UK warned poor local implementation of the NHS Health Check meant people who were at high risk of Type 2 diabetes were missing the chance to get the information and support they need to help prevent the condition.

Not the first time I've heard that D care in Cornwall can be, er... patchy. I think there are some excellent centres/places but there do seem to be quite a few gaps.
I live in Cornwall and can confirm the over all care of diabetes is resoundingly cr*p.
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