Diabetes type 1 fasting diet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good morning everyone. I have been type one for nearly 3 years and need to shift some weight before our wedding. My fiancee has been trying this fasting which has worked really well for her but as we know having type 1 things aren't that simple. Has anyone on here tried it or is currently on the fasting diet..?, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
What fasting diet is it @spence ? I’d avoid it personally because you’ll have to watch ketones very closely and juggle your insulin. It’s much better just to cut down a bit.
What fasting diet is it @spence ? I’d avoid it personally because you’ll have to watch ketones very closely and juggle your insulin. It’s much better just to cut down a bit.
Thankyou for your reply. The app is called fastic. I know it would require a lot of extra attention with regards to taking insulin. I just wondered if anyone else had tried it and how they are getting on with it. Thank you
But what fasting diet will you be using @spence ? Will you be not eating for 3 days? Only eating once a day? You risk ketones if you don’t eat. The only time I fasted was by accident and I had ketones. Fortunately I was in hospital so they put a drip up and gave me some food.
I think it's the 14 hour fast. So it's between evening meal and breakfast. So it would be overnight and have a later breakfast.
Then that sounds ok as long as you don’t need a bedtime snack or to treat a hypo. That sounds pretty close to normal as most people don’t eat overnight. You might find that a late breakfast means your body pumps out glucose. That’s what I find.
Yes I hope this will be OK. When you say your body produces more glucose in the morning, do you mean your levels are fairly high then?
Like @Inka I find that delaying breakfast will lead to a BG rise. This is not because my BG is typically high but because of Dawn Phenomenon - liver dump of glucose to help me start the day. This dump will continue if I do not eat because my body thinks it is starving so provides my glucose to keep me going. The sooner I eat, the sooner the glucose dump stops. I do not need to eat much; just enough to send the message to my liver that I am not starving.
For this reason, a prolonged fast would not work for my body.

I would not use fasting as a method to lose weight quickly. Actually, I would not want to lose weight quickly because there is enough evidence that it does not last. If I need to lose(or, in my case, gain) weight, I make lifestyle changes that I am able to maintain.
Like @Inka I find that delaying breakfast will lead to a BG rise. This is not because my BG is typically high but because of Dawn Phenomenon - liver dump of glucose to help me start the day. This dump will continue if I do not eat because my body thinks it is starving so provides my glucose to keep me going. The sooner I eat, the sooner the glucose dump stops. I do not need to eat much; just enough to send the message to my liver that I am not starving.
For this reason, a prolonged fast would not work for my body.

I would not use fasting as a method to lose weight quickly. Actually, I would not want to lose weight quickly because there is enough evidence that it does not last. If I need to lose(or, in my case, gain) weight, I make lifestyle changes that I am able to maintain.
Thanks for your reply
Yes I hope this will be OK. When you say your body produces more glucose in the morning, do you mean your levels are fairly high then?

No, they’re not high to start with. If I, say, wake with a blood sugar of 5 and don’t eat breakfast, my blood sugar will climb up to 9 or 10 and stay there very stubbornly even if I’m active. This is my body pumping out glucose in the absence of breakfast.
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