Diabetes treatment undermined by drug and disease interactions

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Comorbid conditions and their treatments may affect how many patients with type 2 diabetes have well-controlled blood glucose levels, researchers found.

They said GPs needed guidelines that address patients who have multiple diseases.

Only half of patients with type 2 diabetes achieve recommended HbA1c levels of under 7%. One reason may be the high incidence of comorbid conditions, present in half of all patients with chronic diseases, and interactions with other drugs.

Most clinical guidelines focus on single diseases and there is little to guide GPs through complex interactions between comorbidities and comedication, the researchers said.

It's probably more to do with the fact that most dieticians tell T2s to mostly eat the one thing that raises their blood sugar.
It's another rocket science one though isn't it?

My dic was once going to give me a steroid jab in my shoulder and so I asked, right, how will this affect my BG and what do I do exactly when it does? Clueless (as I expected) so I said well you find out about that then and when you have, let me know and I'll come back again so we can discuss it. In the meantime, are you going to refer me for physio?

He referred me to physio .....
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