Diabetes treatment service launched

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A new service will mean hundreds of patients in the city can now receive diabetes care closer to home.

Many patients who previously saw a diabetes specialist in a hospital will benefit from the new service, which means their main contact will now be with their own GP.

They will be able to meet with them as often as they need and get support to measure and manage their diabetes more effectively.

Where the service, called the integrated community diabetes service, is not yet available at a patient's practice, a specialist will see patients at one of eight community clinics.

Errr - so you know the diabetes specialist GP at your doctors, what about if you can't actually get an apt with him then? Cos the others always say ' Oh you'll have to see Dr Bloggs' 'Have you asked Dr Bloggs? cos I can't tell you that'.

And if the specialist Dr you are 'seeing' suggests something different, Dr Bloggs won't know will he?

I just happened to look at appts after ordering as crip last Weds, first free were he had 3 slots around 7am on 20 May, then nothing else for over a week, then another couple, etc etc.
Pipe dream - are they looking for better cover/treatment, or saving money? Forgive my cynicism.
So they expect to improve treatment by letting you see a GENERAL PRACTITIONER instead of a SPECIALIST diabetes team. How much training do these GPs get to bring them up to speed. Another bright idea without much thought behind it (other than cost saving, as you say Alan).
If you are a "general practioner" then surely the whole point is you are not a diabetes specialist, a gp would not have time to see everyday patients and diabetics, and I am sure it would take a hell of a lot of training to bring gp's up to a diabetes specialist's standard. Sorry but I think it is a money saving idea plucked from thin air with no thought behind it .
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