Diabetes Tech Questionnaire

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Thanks Ingrid, I've just filled it in. 🙂
Completed the form. 🙂
Done! I got mixed up about ranking things in order of importance so had to start again!

Where and when will we find the results?
Thanks all, tho it's not anything to do with me, just forwarding to as many pumpers as possible 🙂

heasandford - I'm trying to find out..yeah, would be interesting to know the results! 🙂
Hi heasandford & anyone else interested, the researcher speaketh (via mutual friend) - "We are aiming to write it up as a manuscript in a high impact journal for diabetes as an open access article. I will then circulate the link to you." So I'll await the link & try to remember to repost here 😉
Good luck Ingrid. Let us know if you find out any results 🙂
I can't remember, so I clicked the link to have look and see - and it's not accepting responses now anyway !
Hi HOBIE, I'll try to find out...I was wondering about it recently too!
I've heard back now - it's still being written up..taking longer than anticipated due to other work pressures! 😱
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