Diabetes Tattoo replacing finger picks. Sky News

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Thats ok sayin that but who's gonna fund it the Goverment I dont think so not with the Goverment we got now... they will say that if you want this you will have to pay for it yourselfs.... In my area alone My Nurse has got 600 Diabetics to look after and I only live in a little town......

If it was free the I would prob have it as I am fed up with pricking my fingers lol
Wow that sounds so weird, a tattoo that came up as the number it is would be well better though. 🙂
Thats all verywell and good, but diabetics are advised not to get tattoo's due to blood circulation ect.
I had to get a letter from my docs to say that i was well controlled and not likely to die in the tattooing studio. Same for my lip piercing!
The tattoo consists of nanoparticles which are designed to detect glucose and are injected below the skin.

A device similar to a wristwatch would be worn over the tattoo, displaying the patient's glucose levels.

The strips are costly I know Harry uses around 4 boxes per month that is ?200. This tattoo will last for upto 6 months! It's just something that gave me hope so I thought it was worth sharing
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