Diabetes SUPPORT

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Please could we focus this forum upon being SUPPORTIVE. No falling out, no criticising, no scaremongering about complications etc etc just providing help and support. It's bad enough having to deal with this condition without people feeling like they risk being criticised if they go onto the site.

As normal apologies to those who may think that I am being contentious but I feel that some of the recent postings (comments) could alienate members who both need and can provide support to others. There is no right or wrong answer to questions/comments that are posted but this site has such great potential for sharing the experiences of those who have diabetes.......so I hope that we can make the most of it without people feeling offended.
good point - you stated just what I saw on the boards this afternoon, which disapponted me.

We all share something, diabetes - that SHOULD bring us together

thankyou for your post AJL,

I think this site has been great and people here very open minded and accepting of everyone that comes here. Since becoming a moderator there has been very little to moderate and I hope that this continues.

I would ask everyone to continue to support each other.
Well said!
Unfortunately when there is a large gathering of people all with their own personalities - there will inevitabley be disagreements!
However, if like me, you have an urgent enquiry (have had many!) and need some help soon - the last thing you want to read is peoples disagreements.
This site has helped both Alex and myself through some very worrying times - and i would be heartbroken if the tone of the site changed to anything negative.
Perhaps we should all learn from this and just move on!:D Bev
Here here or is that hear hear....... I never know which but I agree with you
We are all here to help and support each other and not to argue. However we are all different, and this form of communication can some times lead to misunderstandings.

We all have a responsibility to help each other and be friendly towards each other, and if there is something you don't understand it is OK to ask for clarification.

No question is silly as it is important to the person who posted it, and in that all the posts are important to all of us.
i agree this should be a supportive forum, but it is also a free and democratic society we live in and people have opinions and they will clash with others over this as happens on all forums. i would never openly have a go at someone, but i would let it be known my feelings on a subject. i think this is a good thing as if we couldnt do this everyone would get bored very quick and leave the forum. debate is healthy for everyone as long as it doesnt get into a slanging match.
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