diabetes sucks

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Tonight Alex wanted desperately to go to tykwando. He went for the first time last week and loved it. However, his levels this afternoon have been high. I am wondering if he is coming down with something or yet another growth spurt! So we corected from the time he came home until 7pm when it started. But he was 15mmols - so corrected and tested after 20 minutes still 15mmols. If he exercises when high - he just goes higher - so couldnt do it.:(

So he rang me in tears and then came home. He was so disappointed and said how much he hates diabetes. This is so annoying - because he is such a sporty boy and loves being active. All his friends had gone to see the christmas lights being turned on - but he didnt want to go because there was free food being given out and he didnt want to bother working out the carbs etc - so chose tykwando.

So took him to buy a magazine he wanted and let him run round the car park to burn off the adrenalin...

Life can be tough for an 11 year old diabetic... and it takes its toll on a parent too! If anyone ever says to me that you should 'just get on with it and it doesnt have to rule your life' i will put them straight.

Sometimes diabetes does rule sadly.😱

Next week - he is having a carb free meal before he goes and we will try our best to get him on a lower level than tonight. And tomorrow his big sister is giving him his very own tykwando lesson (she did it for years and is very good at it and come hell or high water she wont let him win! She is 17!).

Sorry - just needed to tell people who understood the frustration of piggin diabetes.😡🙂Bev

p.s. he has had his swineflu jab and the nurse offered him a sweet or lollipop - she knew he was diabetic too.
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Your Alex is such a courageous wee soul and I'm in awe of both of you.
i agree with you both D is S**** especially when your 11 ...go alex get your sister xx
Aww poor Alex, i'm sorry he didn't get to do his taekwondo :( Hope he gets to do it next week. Diabetes does definitely suck.

I'm glad the nurse offered him a lollipop though. I'd be very upset if I wasn't offered one just because i'm Diabetic.
I agree with you it does suck.

Playing devils advocate here but has he tried Tykwando when 15.0 odd? The reason I ask is that if he has insulin in him then in theory he should come down as he has energy in his cells as he has insulin.

What we have now been told that if Jessica is high before PE then see what the bolus wizard wants to give. If it says you can give insulin, brilliant give it and then you can do PE and in theory levels will come down.

Different sport does different things though. With Jessica, if she is high and its swimming she will come down. If she does PE though she will go up if high so she needs some insulin in her to be able to do PE. I never not let her do it now. If the wizard says no and there is active insulin then I ignore what the active insulin says, I look at what the wizard would want to give ignoring the active and I override the wizard but I give half of what the wizard would want to give. This does work and she does comes down.

Just a thought.

I hope Alex is ok now. I totally understand from your point of view how gut wrenching and heartbreaking it is for you to watch your child go through this horrid journey. I'm there with you and I get it.

Take care. xx
I agree with you it does suck.

Playing devils advocate here but has he tried Tykwando when 15.0 odd? The reason I ask is that if he has insulin in him then in theory he should come down as he has energy in his cells as he has insulin.

What we have now been told that if Jessica is high before PE then see what the bolus wizard wants to give. If it says you can give insulin, brilliant give it and then you can do PE and in theory levels will come down.

Different sport does different things though. With Jessica, if she is high and its swimming she will come down. If she does PE though she will go up if high so she needs some insulin in her to be able to do PE. I never not let her do it now. If the wizard says no and there is active insulin then I ignore what the active insulin says, I look at what the wizard would want to give ignoring the active and I override the wizard but I give half of what the wizard would want to give. This does work and she does comes down.

Just a thought.

I hope Alex is ok now. I totally understand from your point of view how gut wrenching and heartbreaking it is for you to watch your child go through this horrid journey. I'm there with you and I get it.

Take care. xx

Thanks Adrienne, and all,

He has only done it for the first time last week and he was 7mmols beforehand. I didnt know that you could just go ahead and exercise at 15? He had given himself 3 corrections by this time - none of them were working - so would have worried to give another.
But now i know this - i will remember next time. Thanks Adrienne.

He was 16 before bed - after another correction! So have put him on 160% for the night. I think he may be coming down with something. Also i suspect the swine flu jab might be have something to do with it.:(

Katie, I absolutely agree with you that a lollipop should be offered. The problem is that i had told the nurse he was high to begin with as i was worried that the jab may make him even higher. The fact that she still offered it just annoyed me. If he is high the last thing i want is for him to eat a load of sugar on top! Also, as a parent, it is a constant battle between letting them feel like any other kid on the planet and being responsible etc..I do know that a lollipop wouldnt have made a level 15 much worse - but i dont want Alex to become complacent and to get the idea that 'anything goes'. I am sure he will have times in teenage years when he does this - but at least if he knows the basics then its up to him whether he takes a risk or not. I just think the nurse was a little thoughtless and i am probably being over the top - i cant help it - i am a mum!:DBev
Sorry to read all that Bev, it is properly sad but it was the last line Im afraid that got me- stupid nurse deserves a slap 😡

I hope he gets to his lesson (I cant spell the "T" word!) next week.

Lots of love xx
What's wrong with taking a lollipop and saving it for when Alex needs sugar? That's what I do if someone offers me cake / sweets / chocolate etc and I don't want to eat it at once or don't want any insulin just then. Please don't get annoyed when people without diabetes treat people with diabetes like they would anyone else. There are enough injections (or pump adjustments) and blood sugar tests in a day to remind us we are a bit different, but simple kindness never goes amiss.
Hi Bev

We learnt all this about sport and insulin at an advanced course that the hospital put on. Next week if he is high, ring me and I'll walk you through it if you want.

When we went for the swine flu jab the nurse asked the other nurse where the sweetie jar was. They made a great fuss of looking for it and then one said to Jessica you'll get a sweet. Then the conversation included that Jessica was diabetic and sweeties weren't mentioned again. Not on. They either shouldn't have offered it in the first place and found out what reason she was there for or carried on and offered it. Instead they offered her a naff sticker!!!
Hi Bev, I hope you and Alex are feeling better. It is frustrtating for everyone with diabetes and their carers, and a considerable learning curve.
Bev - I so understand your frustration and heartache. Truly I do. 'D' is tough on us parents as well as our kids.

I hope next week he is able to go and that you are feeling more positive today.

Keep strong. Sending hugs. xxxx
Hi Bev, sorry to hear of this 'low' - you certainly are a concientious and loving mum! The course Adrienne went on sounds great - there's also some stuff about how insulin is used during excrcise etc. in the Excercise forums, if this helps. I've just posted something on the news forum some of you parents may be interested in too. Good luck next week for Alex :D
Thanks Adrienne, and all,

He was 16 before bed - after another correction! So have put him on 160% for the night. I think he may be coming down with something. Also i suspect the swine flu jab might be have something to do with it.:(

Bev - my levels were high for a about 2 days after the swine flu jab so that may be it. Hope things are more on a even keel today. ((hugs))
Hi Bev, Grrrrrr you're right sucks it does! Hope your both feeling better today🙂

You parents amaze me at the best of times let alone when your kid has diabetes, sorry to keep saying that but you are!

Take care, stay strong

Hi Bev, Grrrrrr you're right sucks it does! Hope your both feeling better today🙂

You parents amaze me at the best of times let alone when your kid has diabetes, sorry to keep saying that but you are!

Take care, stay strong


Hi Rossi

Thanks for that. The problem I have is that sometimes we moan away about diabetes but we don't have it so I feel guilty that I moan. We are seeing it through completely different eyes from you guys, you live with this 24 hours a day, and whilst we do as well it is very different. I think we are aching for the life of our children and that they have this burden to carry for ever. We can only be here for them and look after them as best we can. We don't know how they feel really, but you guys do and we listen to all your words so that we can get some small understanding about what our kids are feeling.

So thank you.
Hi all,
Thankyou to all of you - I do know that in the big scheme of things this is such a tiny blip. But it does help that you all understand and that you have all probably 'been there' in one way or another.
Like Adrienne says - non-diabetics cannot possibly understand how it feels to be the only one who 'cant' do things or exactly how it feels being diabetic.

I take my hat off to all you diabetics - your made of strong stuff. I just hope Alex is as strong when he is an adult. I do tell him lots of your experiences and how you overcame them, so thankyou to one and all.

p.s. Alex's levels are through the roof today -he is on 200% temp basal with added corrections. I suspect its the swine flu jab! But rather he had the jab than the flu.🙂😱Bev
Sorry to hear he could do his lesson.

I am always high when I play football, it just shoots me up very high 17-23 range, but I don't stop I still carry on playing. I give some novorpaid before playing so that I do have insulin onboard. My team have encouraged me to keep playing and find a dose that works for me.

I'm going for the swine flu jab later and will look out for high levels
Hi Bev and alex,

It's really a shame that sometimes diabetes gets in the way of us trying to carry on with our day to day lives, when it does happen it's hard not to think I wish it would just go away for a day (if only that was possible). I hope his bs levels come down a bit soon, I'm not looking forward to having my swine flu jab from what i've seen it sends all diabetics high. Give him a big hug from me xxx
As long as Alex, all other children with type 1 diabetes and all who dea lwith them in whatever sphere, whether as parents, relatives, school staff, friends, youth leaders, medical professionals etc remember that they're aiming to be adults who happen to have type 1 diabetes, they'll be fine! It does make for stormy times in the teenages, but teenage years are stormy for all, even without diabetes. The blanket ban rules on some things like military service, professional SCUBA diving, driving minibuses etc may even change one day....
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