diabetes & sex

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all.
Has anyone on here posted a blog re sex & diabetes. I have difficulty getting an errection theese days presumably re our condition. Probally DB has damaged the blood vessels to my Genitals. Has anyone had similar problems and what help they obtained. Taking the blue pill not much help. I would be gratefull for any help/info.
Cheers Type2boy
It's a well known side effect of NOT diabetes itself BUT of long term higher blood glucose levels than people without diabetes - often one of the natural side effects of just getting older. I remember by late mum-in-law (my mum was already deceased by then, being older than MIL was when I was born, than MIL was when she had my husband) telling us 2 that 'Old age doesn't come on its own, y'know!' when we were 50-ish and already knew that fact .......

Seriously, from a diabetes point of view - about the only thing you can do is try and minimise the times your blood glucose IS higher than 'normal' - and you may see some improvement in this area, as well as generally - but no guarantees it'll help or not. Certainly won't be very quickly, anyway.

There are other things that might help - but much like Viagra/sildenafil pills - it always does make the sex act less spontaneous or automatic.

By the way - even at your own advanced age (said kindly, cos I'm the same age as you - and my husband is older than you and also has ED which can't be cured or improved cos his was caused by a prostatectomy) and he's tried a few things for his - you still ought to check out whether you have a problem with your prostate by having a simple blood test - as should any man when he gets to age 50, if not younger. If you don't wish to involve your own GP you can get that done (not free though) via the website https://www.mypsatests.org.uk/ and then clicking on the 'Events' tab and seeing whether there's one near enough to where you are, or sending for one of their home tests. Their website gives loads of info about that bit of you, if you want it.
It is quite com I had vry sympathetic mon and according to my GP one of the first things to go with DB. I started to suffer many years ago. I had very sympayetic help from my GP. I suffered headaches with the blue pill. I ended up with injections into my penis (Caverject) whic sounds painful but are not. They are very effective and I used them for years but being a widower at 87 I have no need for them any more.

They are availabe pn the NHS so speak to your GP
See: https://www.newcastle-hospitals.nhs...njections-for-erectile-dysfunction-impotence/
Sorry my post got a bit mixed up in the start. It should read: Iy is quite common the have ED with Diabetes.
I was diagnosed Type 1 IDD at age 42 ,Radical Prostatectomy at age 55 . If the left one don't get you the right one will :(
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Many people will have problems with sex at some point in their lives - so it's not at all unusual @type2boy

There's some information with regard to common difficulties experienced by men with diabetes here:

Along with medication that can help you gain or maintain an erection, there are also physical options (pumps) which can help in some circumstances.
One other option we have in the UK (according to NICE guidelines anyway) is to take a small, daily does of Tadalafil. I have found that works better for me and helps maintain a bit of "spontaneity" for lack of a better word.
I have this for quite a few years now and was given Viagra which help out a lot.
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