Diabetes roadshow offers free tests

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
People concerned they may be at risk of developing diabetes can get free advice and tests at a roadshow in Liverpool this month.

The Diabetes UK Healthy Lifestyle Roadshow will be travelling to Liverpool to raise awareness of the risk factors associated with developing Type 2 diabetes.

The roadshow, supported by Bupa, will also offer free risk assessment tests to people to discover whether they could develop the condition in the next decade. Those with a moderate to high risk will be referred to their GP for further advice and tests.

Figures show an estimated 6,200 people in Liverpool are unaware they have Type 2 diabetes.

About 60% of cases can be prevented through lifestyle changes. The roadshow will highlight risk factors to encourage change which include being overweight.


I wonder where they got that 60% figure from?
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