Diabetes Review, Ozempic, and BG Meters


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Had my 6 month review today. To be honest it didnt feel like it went all that well, but i did start off in a bit of a bad mood. I was expecting a video call with my usual doctor, and it ended up being a phone call with a doctor i didnt know, and i'm not that good at unexpected change.

We discussed Ozempic and my feelings of it being a waste of money, as i don't find it gives any benefits. After a bit of discussion, i did agree to try the higher dose of 1.0 for six months, nothing to lose by giving it a go and all that. Also said i'd try and make time to go back to swimming, and do some days working in the office (only had my first day back in the office this week), as i get more steps in naturally then.

The other thing i mentioned, is that my Accu Chek Expert meter is dying, and it's difficult not having a spare meter as no other meters take the same strips. She is going to ask my GP to provide a new meter when writing to them, i suspect that this will be one of the new meters with the cheaper strips. I've always used a big brand meter such as contour/accuchek so i'm a bit nervous about this, are the cheaper strip meters as accurate? Do any of them connect to an app for bolus advice? It was the wavesense jazz my GP was offering last time they tried to change me over, if anyone knows about that meter.
I've always used a big brand meter such as contour/accuchek so i'm a bit nervous about this, are the cheaper strip meters as accurate?
I'm sure they vary a bit, but there's a standard they must all meet so you can expect it to be good enough.
Can you not email/ring the meter company who will be more than happy to supply a replacement meter free of charge.
Can you not email/ring the meter company who will be more than happy to supply a replacement meter free of charge.
Roche have discontinued the Aviva range of meters xx
If they are willing to fund the strips for the expert could you not ask if they would fund strips for a meter of your choice? You say you've used Contour in the past and you can apply for a free Contour Next One meter which may suit xx
The other thing i mentioned, is that my Accu Chek Expert meter is dying, and it's difficult not having a spare meter as no other meters take the same strips.
Do you use your Accu Chek Expert as a spare meter or is this your main meter?

I've always used a big brand meter such as contour/accuchek so i'm a bit nervous about this, are the cheaper strip meters as accurate? Do any of them connect to an app for bolus advice? It was the wavesense jazz my GP was offering last time they tried to change me over, if anyone knows about that meter.
All the current accu check meters which are - accu chek instant, accu chek mobile (which I use but is very bulky) and accu chek performa all connect to the MyS.gr app which has a built-in bolus advisor. The contour next one meter has its own bolus advisor app.
Please will you let me know which meter you decide to go for?
Do you use your Accu Chek Expert as a spare meter or is this your main meter?

All the current accu check meters which are - accu chek instant, accu chek mobile (which I use but is very bulky) and accu chek performa all connect to the MyS.gr app which has a built-in bolus advisor. The contour next one meter has its own bolus advisor app.
Please will you let me know which meter you decide to go for?
I use the accu chek aviva expert meter as my main and only meter. It isn’t possible to get a replacement or a spare meter because they don’t make them any more. I only got the funding for the aviva test strips continued when they switched all the T2s to the wavesense jazz meter because I had been given the expert meter to calculate my insulin doses. As no meter does that any more I don’t think I have any logical reason to ask for more expensive test strips this time.
If they are willing to fund the strips for the expert could you not ask if they would fund strips for a meter of your choice? You say you've used Contour in the past and you can apply for a free Contour Next One meter which may suit xx
I’m not sure, the reasoning I managed to stick on the accu chek strips was that it was the only meter with a bolus advisor. It does make sense to save the NHS money if I don’t have a specific reason to use a meter with more expensive strips, just nervous as I’ve used the same meter for so long.
Can you not email/ring the meter company who will be more than happy to supply a replacement meter free of charge.
The replacement meter would have different strips which might not be covered by my GP practice. Accu chek don’t make expert meters any more.
The contour next one meter has its own bolus advisor app.
Not sure where you've heard this Gill but it's incorrect, Contour do have an app but it doesn't include a bolus advisor although I think you can connect it to Diabetes M to allow that xx
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@Lucyr the Libre readers have the option of a bolus advisor but very few get the strips on prescription but if you need the bolus advisor then it may well be worth seeking a meter that works with an app xx
Not sure where you've heard this Gill but it's incorrect, Contour do have an app but it doesn't include a bolus advisor although I think you can connect it to Diabetes M to allow that xx
Thanks for letting me know xx
Thanks all. I might see if I can send a message to the GP practice and ask what meters they provide
So I did get a fast response from the GP practice, they only supply and support wavesense jazz for any changes in meters, and I should pick one up at the pharmacy which I did this evening.

First test it gave me a sad face and made an electronic sound similar to when you die and lose a life in an old game boy game or something as my bg was 23. Easier to do a correction knowing your meter works to test later though, and as much as I dislike the change in meter, the case is tiny. I imagine it will be a while till my ozempic is changed to the higher dose so I took two doses tonight to start the 1.0 dose.
Had my 6 month review today. To be honest it didnt feel like it went all that well, but i did start off in a bit of a bad mood. I was expecting a video call with my usual doctor, and it ended up being a phone call with a doctor i didnt know, and i'm not that good at unexpected change.

We discussed Ozempic and my feelings of it being a waste of money, as i don't find it gives any benefits. After a bit of discussion, i did agree to try the higher dose of 1.0 for six months, nothing to lose by giving it a go and all that. Also said i'd try and make time to go back to swimming, and do some days working in the office (only had my first day back in the office this week), as i get more steps in naturally then.

The other thing i mentioned, is that my Accu Chek Expert meter is dying, and it's difficult not having a spare meter as no other meters take the same strips. She is going to ask my GP to provide a new meter when writing to them, i suspect that this will be one of the new meters with the cheaper strips. I've always used a big brand meter such as contour/accuchek so i'm a bit nervous about this, are the cheaper strip meters as accurate? Do any of them connect to an app for bolus advice? It was the wavesense jazz my GP was offering last time they tried to change me over, if anyone knows about that meter.
I have a brand new Accu Chek meter which is a couple of years old, but still in the package. You are very welcome to have it.
Hope your Jazz meter works out @Lucyr, and that the tweaked Ozempic dose goes well.

You can use the mySugr app as a bolus calculator with any meter I think. There may well be other bolus calculator apps too.

Is the Freestyle Insulinx discontinued now (because of the Libre handset kinda taking over)?
I’m not sure if the insulinx still exists but because my GP has said will only prescribe strips for the jazz meter for changes in meter I may as well try that with an app. So far the finger pricker is terrible, but my trusty fastclix fits perfectly in the case instead so one prick and that was swapped. The test strips are much smaller and take much less blood than the very thirsty expert meter.

Previously I haven’t got on with apps just because of having to remember to put all the data in them, but will give a couple a go. So far I’ve found MySugr and MyLife. MySugr I have free use of because of testing it early on but hadn’t seen the mylife one before. It has some different options.


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@Lucyr the Libre readers have the option of a bolus advisor but very few get the strips on prescription but if you need the bolus advisor then it may well be worth seeking a meter that works with an app xx
I get all my sensors for the Libre on prescription. I also get all my Libre test strips prescribed, including the ketone testing strips, simply because my consultant said I had to have them. Certainly saves on getting another BG testing system. For the same reason, I also get my MyLife Clickfine needles prescribed, even though they are far and away the best and cost twice as much as the usual dross prescribed.

My bolus adviser is my brain, after years of experience, still working well.
I get all my sensors for the Libre on prescription. I also get all my Libre test strips prescribed, including the ketone testing strips, simply because my consultant said I had to have them. Certainly saves on getting another BG testing system. For the same reason, I also get my MyLife Clickfine needles prescribed, even though they are far and away the best and cost twice as much as the usual dross prescribed.

My bolus adviser is my brain, after years of experience, still working well.
Yeah some folk get the Optium strips on prescription but not many, I do get the ketone strips for Libre but I use the Contour Next One for BG, I wasn't too keen on the foil wrappers for the Optium strips anyway lol

I also use my brain for bolusing and have done for many years (well not as many as you as I've only been at it just over 5) xx
Hi @Lucyr how are you finding your new Jazz meter and which bolus advisor app have you decided to go with? Does the Jazz meter connect to whichever bolus advisor app you've gone with or will you have to enter bg results manually?