diabetes review on Wednesday

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good morning. I am having a diabetes review on Wednesday. When I booked the appointment I asked if I needed to have a blood test before the appointment and I was told this was not necessary. Is the review done differently now?(It's been 18 months since my last one) How can they tell how everything is with out the blood test?
They may draw the blood at the review and do everything else then but confirm HbA1C later.
That’s happened with mine before sometimes.
Thanks ColinUK. I still think it's the wrong way to do it. I like to discuss the test results at the review, but I'll see what happens.
They will probably take the blood at the appointment and just call you back if there’s any issues. If you’ve got access to your blood tests online then you’ll see the results there.
I think it's the wrong approach but too late to change it now. In future if you can get the surgery to think about it, it's much better to have the blood test a week or so before the appointment, have look at the results online and at the appointment you can discuss the results; far more efficient and productive.
I insisted I had my blood tests done before my appointment as if turns out there is something to discuss it's difficult to then get an appointment.
My surgery doesn't actually take blood, you have to book with the hospital, walk-in centre or a pharmacy who does them which is better.
My last review was Health care assistant did bloods, blood pressure check, foot check. Then had a phone appointment with results a week later with the Diabetic Nurse.
My last review was Health care assistant did bloods, blood pressure check, foot check. Then had a phone appointment with results a week later with the Diabetic Nurse.
Yeah I have the checks with the nurse and then call with my GP a week or so later.
Need it book it so thanks for the reminder x
How did you get on yesterday?
Hope your appointment went well @ZedS59

Did they take blood samples on the day?
Reading threads like this makes me appreciate my GP practice even more.
At my appointment this week I’ll have bloods taken by the nurse who will likely do all the foot tickling etc necessary.
Then we’ll book a follow up appointment with her again for a week or ten days so the results will be in. We’ll talk at that appointment about any issues raised by the bloods and I’ll go straight from that into a face to face with the gp who will discuss anything else in depth (we’ll usually segue on to mental health/PTSD related issues).
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