Diabetes review. A mess not of making

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had my review and given the story of the lost and found first ever Hba1c (in a nut shell i had no symptons but both my parents were late onset diabetics so i thought it best to find out if i was one, the GP told me as i don't have any symptons I can't have a blood test
I pressed her and she gave me the name of a private clinic) there is also other stuff i saw her about at the same time and she was equally woeful. The nurse now thinks that the diagnosis was incorrect as all my numbers are so good and I should have been offered a 2nd Hba1c. She asked what i wanted to do, i felt the only thing is to carry as I can't turn the clock back. My Quirk (sp?) returned an 8.6% risk which for a diabetic would mean statins, for a non diabetic no statins. We decided given my odd status to leave it until next blood test in a year's time but to keep away from saturated fats.
What a mess. To say I am angry is an understatement.
So you should be.
Saturated fat, or not, might make very little difference. We do need saturated fats to make hormones and other essential substances and there is quite a lot of rather problematic 'evidence' on the whole subject of fats, cholesterol and even what the problem is. We absorb very little cholesterol from food, and older women seem to live longer if their cholesterol is not low so until some scientific method is brought to bear on the matter it is impossible to draw any conclusion with logical support.
I had one Hba1c result higher than usual which could have been due to Covid but I was not told about it and by the time I prised the information out of them, I had had another and it was back to normal.
Hi. First if your HBA1C is currently good or finger prick tests are generally good then perhaps you don't need to do anything. If you are worried you could always buy a glucose meter and check every so often. I wouldn't take statins unless your lipid ratios are bad showing with a blood test. Personally I have no time for the Quirk scoring. I also wouldn't worry about saturated fats. Much of the long bad news story about sat fats has been found to be suspect. You will need to make your own mind up on that.
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