Diabetes researchers work on painless blood sugar testing

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
About 25 million Americans live with diabetes. And doctors expect that number to triple in 10 to 15 years.

When it comes to managing diabetes, there have been a lot of advances. But one thing that's remained a constant- those frequent, and often painful, finger pricks to measure blood sugar levels.

Diabetics know the drill. They do it again and again- sometimes 10 times a day. Each prick tells them if their blood sugar levels are too high or too low.

Right now it's the only way to find out, and it can be inconvenient and painful. But now researchers are working on a way around that, using a patient's tears instead.

I imagined having to poke myself in the eye to make me cry - personally I'd rather stab me fingers than that!
I think they may already have found several solutions but would prefer us to come back reguarly for strips (it's my cynical side that thinks that) lol:D
What thye need is a way that we still have to keep coming back so we all win! Like a test strip you put onto your tongue.
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