Diabetes Remission

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I wonder how unusual I am. I was diagnosed with diabetes Type about 6 years ago and within 3 years I was put on insulin. I was overweight put not from poor eating habints. In 2008 I had been put permanently on steroids because of an eye condition called uveitis. Over the first 9 months I put on 35lbs in weight, and over the next 10 years put on more weight so that by July 2018 I weight just over 13st. However, my opthalmologist told me last September I could gradually reduce my steroids and I stopped taking them altogether last December. Since then my weight has gone down to 10st 8lbs, but more importantly my HbA1c has gone down to 28 in November and I no longer have to take insulin. My Gp is hopeful that by the middle of next year I will also be able to stop metformin altogether. The weight loss is nothing to do with my diet, it is because I have stopped taking steroids and I wonder if any research has been done into steroid-induced diabetes
Well yes, it has - otherwise nobody would know that it automatically creates havoc with our blood glucose, would we? Nor would the medical profession know how to treat the resultant diabetes - ie always with insulin, nowt else does the job.

The only thing is - there are still more than enough certain conditions where successful treatment of it, absolutely requires steroids whether we like it or not.
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