Diabetes questions

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. My name is Del. I've just been diagnosed with this and have so many questions to ask.
Is it common to experience continuous hot and cold sweats, and fatigue?
I would really appreciate some help!
Thank you
Welcome to the forum @Delpops

Have you been started on any medication? Were you told the result of your HbA1c at diagnosis?

High blood glucose levels can certainly be exhausting, and extreme tiredness is one of the symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes.

Sweating can be a symptom of low glucose levels. I’ve not experienced it as a symptom of high glucose levels myself.

To get you started on your diabetes ‘journey’, you might want to register for an account with the Learning Zone (the orange tab in the main menu) which is packed full of informative bite-sized modules. Additionally, for a more personal take, members here frequently recommend Maggie Davey’s Letter to the Newly Diagnosed which you can read through at your own pace.
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Hello everyone. I'm Del and I've recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Can I ask:
1. Is it common to have continuous hot and cold sweats?
2. Continuous fatigue?
Hello everyone. I'm Del and I've recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Can I ask:
1. Is it common to have continuous hot and cold sweats?
2. Continuous fatigue?
Welcome to the forum
Yes both those symptoms are indicative of high blood glucose as well as thirst and frequent loo visits, blurry vision and headaches.
The sooner you can start to take action to reduce blood glucose you should hopefully see an improvement in the symptoms.
Have a look at this link as it may give you some pointers for making some dietary changes as this will be important even if you have been prescribed oral medication. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Would you like to say a bit more about your diagnosis, what your HbA1C is and any meds you have been prescribed.
For someone with well managed diabetes, these symptoms are not common.
However, if your BG is high, then you will be feeling unwell and building up risk of further complications for the future.

Are you taking any medication?
It s also worth looking at the side effects of the medication as these could be causing your problems.
Welcome to the forum @Delpops . Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but I am glad that you have found us.

The symptoms you are experiencing are common for high BG levels, so once you are able to bring those down you are likely to feel a lot better. I know that if I get higher levels thatn I am used to I feel very rough. What strategies have you tried so far?
Are you using any meds?

There is loads of info in the Learning Zone (a tab above or in the menu) and also plenty of experience to tap into on here. Any questions that you have just ask. Nothing is considered silly on here.
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