Diabetes Products

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Another random find. This is a blog by an american diabetic, but I was interested in some of the stuff on the page, like the Bayer Contour USB (really wish this was out in the UK - have to wait til next year) and the Glucose Spray!

I was also horrified by the Guilotine finger pricking device!!

Have a look here:


Someone spoke about that lancing device a while back on here - horrific!😱
com'on we're in December so 2010 ain't far away!! But then again who knows when in 2010 they will release it, if you hear anything let us know! I'll have my ear to the ground too :D
meter looks good but the cigar cutter finger pricker...stuff nightmares are made of!
@Rossi - I know, but I'm a big impatient 31 year old child 😛 Plus it's annoying it's already out in the USA.

I did read somewhere it's supposed to be first quarter of 2010 so fingers crossed it's 3 months away at the most.

I signed up on their site to get an email when it's available, and I've already given my Diabetic team the heads up on it and they're going to let me know if they get any :D

I liek this blog and check it out from time to time. That meter looks pretty impressive, wonder if it's worth getting a Bayer meter now so that I am already a customer and will be easier to get an upgrade
I liek this blog and check it out from time to time. That meter looks pretty impressive, wonder if it's worth getting a Bayer meter now so that I am already a customer and will be easier to get an upgrade

Probably is a good idea, I am already, I've been getting monthly emails from diabetes.co.uk and they often have win a bayer meter comps may be worth ago (now I've said that they'll probably stop it!)

Latest one had this link

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You visit rival forums????!!!!😱😱

(Only kidding!🙂)

NO! Honest! I wouldn't cheat on you lot!!

I get sent emails not sure how I guess I must have registered with them at some point, their emails seem groovy but not the site (for a start it's not pink!) it's pretty dead actually.
NO! Honest! I wouldn't cheat on you lot!!

I get sent emails not sure how I guess I must have registered with them at some point, their emails seem groovy but not the site (for a start it's not pink!) it's pretty dead actually.

I think a lot of people go there thinking it is Diabetes UK's site, which is hardly surprising given the web address - which I think is personally a bit sneaky. There's also a site called diabetes-support, which can also be confusing (the site does have a lot of very useful information on though and we often link through to its articles from here). I prefer the format of this forum for discussions though - obviously!
there are some cheeky scoundrels out there nicking web addy's Some beep bought one that is one character different to our company and it links to theirs, beep beep is all I can say! But life goes on 🙄
there are some cheeky scoundrels out there nicking web addy's Some beep bought one that is one character different to our company and it links to theirs, beep beep is all I can say! But life goes on 🙄

Ive often thought about getting hotmale.com, but dont know what it would be about 😉
Probably is a good idea, I am already, I've been getting monthly emails from diabetes.co.uk and they often have win a bayer meter comps may be worth ago (now I've said that they'll probably stop it!)

Latest one had this link


Yes, Bayer give away 50 free meters every month. Just keep applying every month til you get one, I did (after I'd already bought one on ebay!!). AND, once you've registered, after a while they write to you and ask if you'd like another one as a spare!! (Unfortunately I lost my letter!!)

I think a lot of people go there thinking it is Diabetes UK's site, which is hardly surprising given the web address - which I think is personally a bit sneaky. There's also a site called diabetes-support, which can also be confusing (the site does have a lot of very useful information on though and we often link through to its articles from here). I prefer the format of this forum for discussions though - obviously!

*cough* Took me a while to wander back in and read this but you didn't think I'd let that slide without comment did you Northie mate? 😉

DSF is also an org.uk, which is more technically correct although we were originally after a .co.uk. Your lovely admin got there first on that tho, although we were up and running a lot earlier that this forum - originally in pink as well, but I changed that to blue when I came on board 😉 (what is it with pink!)

Anyway horses for courses. Whatever people feel most comfy with. All forums have a different atmosphere and its down to what you prefer really.

diabetes.co.uk (the red one) is part of a network of generic-named marketing sites (over 300 I think) owned by the same company. Thats why their front page and email "newsletter" is full of adverts to their other sites and products. They were a lot busier till carb wars broke out a while ago, things got nasty, there was separation into different "camps" and a lot of people left. Not pretty.

Still, whether you prefer the pink one, the blue one or the red one its all down to what suits you. I tend to have a root around all of them occasionally (and the smaller ones) just to see what useful stuff pops up, but stick mainly to one. Of course I am biased 😉

Technical Admin
"The Blue One" 😉

The blue one ehy! I may move over, this pink is doing my head in!!

I like the bumble bee!😉

I see you have a chat room is it used much?? There are currently 5 people logged in (inc me) it has been mooted about here just wondered your thoughts on it!

And yes dot org is more appropriate but after a while people aren't that bothered and so long as the site can be found everyones happy!:D
Aye, I suggested a chatroom to Northie a while ago, but I appreciate the problems which can go along with setup and moderation.

The chatroom kinda varies. Less busy on the weekends than during the week. We have a couple of people from North America who are in for long periods of the day, but the brits usually turn up between 7pm and 11pm and hang around for varying periods of time. Not usually below 8 people from 8pm onwards and its peaked at around 20 before. People do tend to be in and out a bit, doing various things at the same time.

So its more of an evening thing, but theres usually someone around during the day as well. You just might have to wait a while for a response if people are away working or whatever at the time.

Having said that, we seem to have just as many if not more in Second Life at around the same hours as well. The group's grown a fair bit recently picking up a fair few north americans from the DD forum and others. Its used mostly as a 3D chat and we've pretty much ditched voice chat on SL.

So either or both may be worth K and Northie taking a look at if they have the time as an extension to this site. Happy to help out of course if/when they need a hand.
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