Diabetes pill beats cancer...and costs just 2p a day

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A DIABETES pill that costs just 2p a day could prevent thousands dying from Britain?s biggest cancer killers every year.

The drug, already taken by millions of patients to control blood sugar levels, is thought to be capable of starving some cancer cells to death.

New research suggests it can slash the risk of developing liver cancer by an astonishing 78 per cent, breast cancer by a third, pancreatic cancer by 46 per cent and bowel cancer by nearly a quarter.

Together, these are the biggest cancer killers ? and among the hardest to treat. They claim the lives of 39,336 people each year ? a quarter of all UK cancer deaths.

And Cancer Research UK is funding a major five-year study, involving nearly 5,000 British women with breast cancer, to see if the drug can stop the disease returning and boost survival rates.


Sis had breast cancer, then became T2, Diet and Exercise. Cancer returned, is now riddled with it. Mainly liver and spine. Terminal, but nobody knows how long. Been trying to build her bones up since, not really made em any better but at least they haven't got worse.

So they recently started chemo, 3 weeks on, one week off, for 6 months ......

I wonder ...........
I couldn't see a link to the actual research paper, but might reconsider whether to ask about coming off metformin given that my grandfather's two siblings both died of bowel cancer. I hope this is in time to help your sister TW.
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