Diabetes patients ?uneasy? about pharmacist interventions

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes patients are uneasy about seeking advice from pharmacists, seeing it as "violating the natural line of treatment", researchers have found.
Patients looking for information or advice on their diabetes did not see their pharmacist as their first port of call as they did not want to go against their doctor, who they saw as the "controller" of their medication, according to the pharmacy researchers at the University of East Anglia.
Changes to the pharmacy contract and "working practices" were needed to ensure community pharmacists became "more fully integrated with the wider care team", the researchers concluded.


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Tried free reg, already reg, sent me a temp password, changed it, won't let me log in.
I am not surprised although mine seems to know more about diabetes than the so called DSN at my GP's. :( Many of her comments make me think she reads the Daily Fail! 🙂
She probably does actually you know Stephen! - much longer training for a pharmacist ! - and not bogged down by shifts and moving departments every year and dealing with patients and their rellies whilst they are doing it.

Them flipping patients, PITA ! :D
I have been asked four times for a pharmacist review and sat with her for the questions (I dont mind now as being retired I have got all day!). Anyway at the end of the questions/answers session I says to her a total waste of time because only my Doctor can change my 'scripts so whats all this about? I was told they get 'points' for snaring a customer and ticking the boxes, nothing else its just another thing we have been asked to do by our employers! What a sauce, next time Im telling them a pack of made up answers to throw their computer wonky!
I have been asked four times for a pharmacist review and sat with her for the questions (I dont mind now as being retired I have got all day!). Anyway at the end of the questions/answers session I says to her a total waste of time because only my Doctor can change my 'scripts so whats all this about? I was told they get 'points' for snaring a customer and ticking the boxes, nothing else its just another thing we have been asked to do by our employers! What a sauce, next time Im telling them a pack of made up answers to throw their computer wonky!

They also get ?100 per customer.
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?100 !! well next time I want my cut say 50/50 and I will give any answer she wants!
It is often pharmacist who work being the scenes in surgeries , removing and reducing amounts of supplies on peoples repeat prescriptions- for example trying to reduce insulin users to less then 2 strips per day!
A little knowledge coupled with too much power is a dangerous thing. ON the other hand a good pharmacist who understands the limits of their competence is worth their weight in gold ( same as a nurse, surgeon, GP, physiotherapist or whoever)
I came a across a pharmacist last year who could not grasp the fact I had type 1 diabetes. He kept telling me only children developed type 1 diabetes.
In the end I asked him if children with type 1 diabetes ever grew up to be type 1 adults. Even then he could not grasp this concept 🙄
Funny enough he wanted to do my prescription review 😱
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