Diabetes patient hails 'life changing' cell transplants

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The first woman in Scotland to receive donated pancreatic cells to treat her diabetes has described the procedure as "life changing".

Kathleen Duncan, who has type 1 diabetes, no longer requires insulin after having a pancreatic islet cell transplant.

She is among patients being treated as part of a UK-leading transplant programme based in Edinburgh.


Not sure what this line is supposed to mean though: 'allowing them to then make their her own blood sugar.'
Reprter has written it down wrong OR has used his intelligence incorrectly, ie the piece first says she doesn't need insulin any more, then they gave her the transplant which enabled her to make her own insulin. So back at the office he thinks, I've written that down wrong haven't I, because we already know she doesn't need insulin any more, I know 100% that bit's right ... so he speaks to his mate, whose mothers sisters brothers auntie has T2, and mate says they must mean blood sugar ...... :D
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