Diabetes news from around the world 27th July 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Lives wasted as FDA stalls on diabetes care (USA)

For more than 20 years, my daughter Piper has lived with the constant, frightening, deceptive and malicious disease called type 1 diabetes. Piper has always been prone to the kind of hypoglycemic - low blood sugar - life-threatening attacks that come on hard, fast and without warning. She almost drowned as a youngster after becoming unconscious from low blood sugar...


Lower is not better in type 2 diabetes (Australia)

A new meta-analysis (see link) has cast further doubt on the benefits of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes, showing no effect on overall or cardiovascular mortality, and an increase in serious hypoglycaemic episodes.


Takeda, Furiex try again in a post-Avandia diabetes drug world (USA)

A type 2 diabetes drug hopefully thought of as a potential blockbuster before stalling amid safety concerns is now taking another shot at approval.


Not enough sunshine is putting millions of us at risk from diabetes (UK)

A lack of sunshine is putting millions of people at risk of diabetes because they don't have enough vitamin D, researchers have said. A large study found that people with plenty of it in their system were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The research, carried out in Australia, could play a major role in combating the condition which has been increasing in recent years.

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