Diabetes News 8th January 2010

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Type 1
Diabetes triples dementia risk for some older people

Older people with mild memory loss are three times more likely to develop dementia if they also have diabetes, a group of Alzheimer's Research Trust scientists at King's College London have shown. The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, investigated the connection between mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in older people and dementia. Previous studies show an association between diabetes and MCI development.

'Unless we sound the alarm, what little we have will disappear'

Councils across the country are already facing tough decisions as the pressure on budgets takes its toll, even before the arrival of the Personal Care at Home Bill. In Liverpool, children's services are reported to be the first victims of the proposed ?11 million budget cuts. Grants for disadvantaged households are due to be scrapped, and a children's respite home is threatened with closure.

GPs should prescribe meditation for depression, says Mental Health Foundation

Meditation therapy should be routinely available on the NHS to treat recurring depression and to help tackle Britain's growing mental health problems, according to a new report. The study, commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation, found that fewer than one in 20 GPs prescribed meditation therapy for patients suffering depression, despite NHS guidance suggesting that it could halve depression relapse rates.

Food industry 'too secretive' over nanotechnology

The food industry has been criticised for being secretive about its use of nanotechnology by the UK's House of Lords Science and Technology Committee. Lord Krebs, chairman of the inquiry, said the industry "wants to keep a low profile" to avoid controversy.

Should we bring back rationing?

It's 70 years since WWII rationing was brought in and many pass comment on the contrast between the current obesity epidemic and those healthier days of dearth. But how did people handle rationing and could we use the lessons to fight obesity now? On 8 January 1940, the UK tightened its belt and entered a period of privation that was to percolate through every layer of the national consciousness.

Patients' fears over bothering doctor unnecessarily 'mean many have their cancer diagnosed late'

Patients' fears over bothering their doctor unnecessarily mean many have their cancer diagnosed late, experts have warned. Up to 10,000 lives a year could be saved by earlier detection of cancer, according to official estimates. Experts said that a culture which encouraged patients not to burden the NHS unnecessarily coupled with low public awareness about the symptoms of cancer meant that too many cases were diagnosed late, when treatments would be less effective.

Obesity can be fought with the Mandometer, a new talking scale

New technology that monitors portion sizes and how fast people eat could be instrumental in fighting obesity, a new study reveals today. Obese adolescents who monitor the speed at which they clear their plates learn to lose weight far more effectively, the dietary study has shown.
o jus read your comment on alziemers disease bit worrying realy as my mum passed away 15 years ago at the age of 60 after having this disease for 10 years so does it increase my risk even more threw being diabetic
o jus read your comment on alziemers disease bit worrying realy as my mum passed away 15 years ago at the age of 60 after having this disease for 10 years so does it increase my risk even more threw being diabetic

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