Diabetes meters under fire (New Zealand)

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetics outraged at the quality of new blood testing meters say it is only a matter of time before they cause deaths.

The Korean-made CareSens meters, introduced by Pharmac in March, have been dubbed "CrapSense" meters by hundreds of type 1 diabetics who say the inaccurate readings they produce are endangering lives.

Pharmac opted to cut funding for all other meters and strips to make way for the cheaper CareSens products at a saving of around $10 million following a consultation period last year.

Patients can still use their old meters but at their own cost.

North Shore teenagers Harriett Maire, 18, and Miriam Scott, 15, both type 1 diabetics, have joined a petition to the Government to have the decision overturned.


Some PCTs have tried to impose a single meter on everyone here, I wonder how many CCGs are considering such a move? :(
This is stupid, I hope pharmac change their mind about funding for other meters & strips before someone ends up needing serious help from a false reading

It is sad to see how other countries are treated with their diabetic care compared to us here (well unless our GP's stick their orr in & refuse or reduce medication)
Surely the photo of the meter is right? within 20% difference?

Yes, I was thinking that. The meters have passed their safety and accuracy tests, so unless they are regularly straying outside of that then it's hard to argue against them. However, the example given of a possible reading of 15 which should show 7 would be very bad, if it was true.

I would certainly object to having a particular meter forced on me because the software is an important part of my diabetes management. Having said that, we shouldn't forget that meters haven't actually been available for that long, and people could manage before they came along.
Diabetes monitor criticism 'unfair'

Criticism of the accuracy of a new blood glucose monitoring device is unfair, Diabetes NZ president Chris Baty says.

"I've made it my business to find out about this product. I have not seen any data that justifies the outcry," Ms Baty said yesterday.

She suggested perceived inaccuracies may be a result of the previously used strips reading blood glucose levels too low, rather than the government-funded CareSens device reading them too high.

Diabetics have expressed concern about a Pharmac decision to solely fund the Korean-made CareSens monitor, citing worries about possible variables including temperature.

"Who is to say what you are comparing the CareSens with is right?" Ms Baty said yesterday.

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