Diabetes is not the reason I cannot run a marathon


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Marathon running is one of those things I have always looked on in amazement. We only get to see the day of the London marathon, for example, but I know months go into the preparation and, for someone with Type 1 diabetes, I have always thought that would also mean months spent trying to get my insulin dosing correct.
This paper shows that it is possible through HCL and not just by one super athlete: https://www.news-medical.net/news/2...diabetes-management-for-marathon-runners.aspx

So why am I not running a marathon? Well, I do not have HCL for a start 😉
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Good point, well made!! Clearly exactly the same reason why I can't either!
But only two of the runners stayed in range, the other stayed well above range for the whole time. Not sure it sounds very robust. I do wonder if it's just that two of the runners have their basal and pre-run snack insulin "dialled in" and the last one didn't, irrespective of the presence of the closed loop system. Would be interesting to see the carbs/insulin dosing vs time behaviour for each of the runners.
I am type1 on MDI and run distances from 5k up to ultra marathons it involves a lot of training and not always easy to manage BG levels.
Might be worth a new thread, but it would be really interesting to get a feel for what you do for different distances in terms of basal adjustments/splits, bolus for dawn-effect/nerves/pre-run food, and what/how much you tend to eat while running and whether you bolus at all.
I follow @thebetes on Instagram and he’s a T1 who has recently sign up and started training for a marathon and is documenting it - really interesting!