Diabetes, impaired sight and access to tech / treatment - your views wanted (urgent!)


Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
For any members living with visual impairment, your views are sought about ease of access to treatment, meds, and the accessibility of technology (eg pumps and CGM)

Diabetes UK is supporting the Patient Safety Commissioner (PSC) with an report they’re working on to encourage more accessible medicines and medical technology for people with visual impairments and sight-loss, with a particular focus on diabetes. They’ve asked if we can help promote some focus groups they’re planning over the next few weeks.

There are more details below but in summary there is a 90mins Teams workshop next Monday (21st October) and another in-person event in London on 7 November at RNIB, 154A Pentonville Rd, London N1 9JE.

If you wish to participate, please contact Andrew Biden on the contact details below, who is the project manager in the Office of the Patient Safety Commissioner, for more information and to sign up. If you could state in your email whether you have experience of diabetes, that would be very helpful.

They will send out further details for each event to the invitees nearer the time.

Email address: pscenquiries@patientsafetycommissioner.org.uk
Work phone: 07590 254752

Tagging @Flower @Janicehorgan @Dabble in case it is of interest


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