Diabetes id/ wristband help

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I gather most people carry medical id with them at all times. I now recognise I need to wear something and wondered if anyone has advice or suggestions for places to find something.

I’m not someone who wears jewellery so I want to like it if I’m to live with it. I’ve looked on the site shop and don’t fancy a rubber band with a big message on it but want something a little more “grown up” or subtle. I’m wondering if I need to buy a “man-bracelet-bling-thing” and have it engraved?

If anyone has found or has any suggestions for solutions I’d appreciate some wisdom.

With thanks

Do you wear a watch? It must be possible to get a customised watch strap, or even a customised watch face.
Oh yes! Thank you. I have an Apple Watch. I never thought of using that, I'll look and see if I can add a message on that.
If you google “Ice bands” it brings up all sorts of websites, yes they sell the rubber ones but also lots of different metal jewellery of all sorts of different designs. Some of which you can have engraved. We also went on Amazon and bought some cards and key ring fobs which you can fill your information on, the cards are about as big as a credit card and can fit in your wallet, if you don’t like jewellery.
If you google “Ice bands” it brings up all sorts of websites, yes they sell the rubber ones but also lots of different metal jewellery of all sorts of different designs. Some of which you can have engraved. We also went on Amazon and bought some cards and key ring fobs which you can fill your information on, the cards are about as big as a credit card and can fit in your wallet, if you don’t like jewellery.
Thank you, I'll take a look.
I have a MedicAlert bracelet. They hold a brief version of my records, my contacts, my consultant, etc, and the bracelet itself has basic info engraved on it that I’ve chosen. I chose MedicAlert because it was recommended by my consultant and I like the reassurance. It also works abroad as they speak multiple languages.

My bracelet is a discreet stainless steel one but they do all different kinds, including ones that are more like jewellery (gold and silver). They’re instantly recognisable by emergency workers.
I have never worn one and never sure whether a paramedic would check one.
Google gives a mixed response to the question.
Sadly, the main people asking are US-based and not wanting to have to pay for an ambulance for an "normal" epileptic attack or hypo.
Checking blood glucose seems to be a common test done in the UK so anything diabetic related (high or low) would be picked up regardless of any jewellery I wear.
I had always thought that I wouldn’t bother, but having been there for two emergency situations with T1 it shook me and, having chatted to my consultant, I decided to wear something. I didn’t like any of the jewellery that I found and didn’t want to wear it in place of what I have already which I do like, so I got a tattoo!!!


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@helli me neither. I really should, mostly because I don’t have a spleen. Every time a post like this comes up I always say to myself, I must sort this. 16 years on I’m still ID less! 🙄 I’ll do it next week.😉
I had always thought that I wouldn’t bother, but having been there for two emergency situations with T1 it shook me and, having chatted to my consultant, I decided to wear something. I didn’t like any of the jewellery that I found and didn’t want to wear it in place of what I have already which I do like, so I got a tattoo!!!
Ooh get you Sue. At least you can get it lasered off when there’s a cure! 😛
I bought a simple stainless steel bracelet from Etsy, with a small heart/medical symbol and had T1 diabetes engraved.
Ooh get you Sue. At least you can get it lasered off when there’s a cure! 😛
I think it is a safe bet that I won’t need to do that!!!!
Ooh get you Sue. At least you can get it lasered off when there’s a cure! 😛
will be along in 10 years!

I got a silicone band from etsy. has the med symbol on the outside and inside a custom message.
I'm allergic to sooo much jewellery it was the safest one for me to not react to.
Forget I have it on most the time.
I developed T1 last year, at age 67. Currently I don't wear anything that would alert someone to my having T1, and assume the presence of a libra indicates it.
Am I being foolhardy?
Am I being foolhardy?
As always, I think it's possible to be unlucky. For what little it's worth, I haven't regularly worn anything and as @helli says when I've had a significant hypo the paramedics have always checked BG regardless. It seems to be a routine thing they do. I imagine a Libre will increase that likelihood (even though non-diabetics might also wear them).
It’s not just the paramedics. Members of the public can read the basic info on a medical ID and either act or convey that information to the emergency services. I found someone unconscious recently and the first thing I did was check for medical ID. That’s not because I wear it myself, it was drummed into us at school on the basic First Aid training we did, again when I did job-related training in retail, and again at a recent First Aid qualification I took.

People with diabetes who are having a hypo can look drunk or just confused or feeling normally shaky or whatever. An ID can make all the difference.
Hi John, I have read lots of views on both sides of whether it’s worth having one or not, but in the end decided if I was out and about on my own and collapsed anywhere without being able to treat a hypo then it may be helpful for whomever was around if calling for help.

This is the one I got :

I ordered it engraved with type 1 diabetes, on insulin (superfluous really I suppose) and an ICE (in case of emergency) number for my wife.
Try Etsy, there’s lots of my stylish options on there
Mine came from Etsy, it’s lovely and nice and discreet, which is exactly what I wanted. I’ll post a proper piccie of it tomorrow.
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