Diabetes has gone!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was reading an article in a womens magazine about a lady who was very overweight. Her doctor said she had diabetes and very high cholesterol. She went to a slimming club and lost a lot of weight. She now says she feels better than ever and the diabetes has gone! Is this possible? I thought once you had it you had it for life.
You cant just have diabetes and then it dissapears its not like a cold, once you have it you are stuck with it, until they come up with a cure of ever do then im afraid she is talking rubbish in my opinion. And if her doctor was anything worth there salt they ought to be ashamed for letting her think diabetes can just dissapear.

Dont believe those mags is what i say lol.
Yes you can reverse it for some type 2's. A young man at clinic was type 2 and fairly big and lost lots and lots of weight and ended up not needing any meds at all - but he does have to keep going with the diet and exercise.🙂Bev
Sorry yes Bev is right they was no mention of the type she had thats all
It didn't say in the article what type she had I presumed type 2 because I thought if you had type 1 your pancreas has more or less packed up so it can't go away.
sorry but even T2 cannot be reversed - if you lose weight and get to come off meds then great, but if you don't follow the d&e then hey, you'll end up back on meds. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it i'm afraid.
Generally if you have diabetes then you have it for life though there can be a few exceptions.

1) Most cases of gestational diabetes resolve themselves though the mothers are at increased risk of developing type 2 later on.
2) Drug induced diabetes ie you can be on so many drugs that increase your blood sugar that your body can't produce the insulin to counteract it. Once the drugs stop then the diabetes goes - but again you are at increased risk of developing type 2 later in life.
3) Certain medical conditions can cause diabetes to develop such as an adrenal tumour - the tumour produces so much adrenaline that the body can't counteract with increased insulin. Once the tumour is removed the diabetes goes away.
4)A large weight loss can result in diabetes disappearing, as basically the body has been moved into a state were it is able to regulate itself, carrying more weight generally increases the amount of insulin that you need. In this case though there is obviously a high chance of the diabetes reoccurring if the weight goes back on.
Generally if you have diabetes then you have it for life though there can be a few exceptions.

1) Most cases of gestational diabetes resolve themselves though the mothers are at increased risk of developing type 2 later on.
2) Drug induced diabetes ie you can be on so many drugs that increase your blood sugar that your body can't produce the insulin to counteract it. Once the drugs stop then the diabetes goes - but again you are at increased risk of developing type 2 later in life.
3) Certain medical conditions can cause diabetes to develop such as an adrenal tumour - the tumour produces so much adrenaline that the body can't counteract with increased insulin. Once the tumour is removed the diabetes goes away.
4)A large weight loss can result in diabetes disappearing, as basically the body has been moved into a state were it is able to regulate itself, carrying more weight generally increases the amount of insulin that you need. In this case though there is obviously a high chance of the diabetes reoccurring if the weight goes back on.

Thank you Margie i've learnt alot that I did not know from that x
My understanding is type 2 diabetes wont go away, but the heavier you are the more resistent to insulin you. If you lose weight your body becomes more receptive to the insulin your body produces and reduces your need for medication.

I know there are plenty of people who are their ideal weight or lighter who are still type 2, some need medication and others are diet and exercise controled.

I know type 1 wont go away either, but there is no function in the pancreas.
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