Diabetes GP or Diabetologists

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello Everyone,

I am new to UK and wanted to get some help around how NHS and private health insurance works.

1] Do we get Diabetologist or only GP?
2] Do we get Dietician?
3] Do we get Health coach?

Please guide me..
Hi. In general the term diabetologist isn't very common. GP is very common both within the NHS and often in private health. GPs who specialise in Diabetes might say just that. There are Dietician's in both the NHS and private practice. Health coaches are probably more common within the community.
For an established, in control type 2 there should be a yearly check for eyes, feet and a blood test for Hba1c and possibly lipids. These are usually done by a nurse not a GP. There might be other people involved it depends on the practise, but there isn't a lot of interest in type 2 diabetics from what I can tell.
Hi sachinraka5505, welcome to the UK!

Generally, you'll get a GP or Senior nurse who specialises in Diabetes on the NHS and private. You may find health coaches depending on the private scheme you choose and there may be some in the community depending on where you live.

It may be best to have a chat with your local GP to see what they offer and then see if you can supplement any additional needs using private schemes.
Normally, the NHS hospital doctors who specialise in Diabetes are primarily Endocrinologists before they specialise. There are also nurses, and should they decide to become Specialist nurses whether it's for Diabetes or anything else, they need to take a further degree course whilst working full time in that speciality. Those clinics usually have relatively accessible dieticians should you happen to feel you need more support on that aspect or the Nurse or doctor feel you need it judging by what you tell them and/or your test results.

However - it would be most unusual for an ordinary well controlled Type 2 to ever get access to a hospital diabetes clinic UNLESS there is something out of the ordinary happening with them and their diabetes. Would be lovely if they did, but NHS has not had the resources to offer that to so many people and certainly doesn't now.
Hello Everyone,

I am new to UK and wanted to get some help around how NHS and private health insurance works.

1] Do we get Diabetologist or only GP?
2] Do we get Dietician?
3] Do we get Health coach?

Please guide me..
Q1 - T1 would normally see a hospital clinic, T2 would normally see a nurse at the GP practice rather than the GP. In some circumstances T2 can see the hospital, e.g. if you’ve tried all the medications the GP can offer and still have high bgs. I see the hospital because I use insulin, and also have other conditions that meant I needed more advice.

Q2 - Not normally, unless you ask for a referral for a specific problem. I’ve seen a dietician once in 14 years, to help with learning carb counting for insulin adjustment.

Q3 - No, never heard of one.
Aside from a conversation with the GP when I was first diagnosed, all my contact since has been with the Diabetic Nurse at our practice who does all the tests, and who also recommends the required medication to the GP. Have to say it has worked a treat in my case. The DN also gave me health and lifestyle advice.
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