Diabetes Flaws

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone just thought I would share this with you all (but will prob be to much info) because my diabetes was out of control for many years it has taken it toll on me. Today I was admitted into Hospital to be Circumcised because of my diabetes. My Doctors n Nurse said it was quite a common thing with Diabetic men I thought yeah right they just sayin that to make me feel better well how wrong was I there were about 5 men in today who all had diabeties... So a word to the all the men on here dont wait untill its to late get yourself checked out...

So anyway no fun for me for about 2 weeks depending on how long it takes to get well lol

Oo! Hadn't heard of that one Jules! Is therenothing this disease doesn't affect? 😱 Hope you recover quickly 🙂
Can I ask why you needed to be Circumcised? Maybe I should google it!

wishing you a quick recovery 🙂
Ok I googled and now I know! That's interesting, never heard about it before.
Hmm interesting... I really want to know more on this one. maybe I'll try and google something... If you could tell me more I'd be grateful, if it's too graphic for public, then please feel free to private message me, if thats okay.

Cheers (I think!)


PS I hope you heal up sharpish!!
Hope you recover quickly.
Hi Jules hope you feel better soon, take good care.x
Hope everything goes ok..........

That could of been me a few years back..........phew........
Jules - hope that's all it affects in that area. A couple of suggestions, hopefully helpful (from my mum who worked in vasectomy clinics when we were children, which may account for an earlier than usual knowledge of a wide range of facts!)
(1) don't travel by bicycle or motorbike for a few days
(2) don't pick up any toddlers for a few days (theri size means they tend to kick right where it hurts)
Hi everyone just thought I would share this with you all (but will prob be to much info) because my diabetes was out of control for many years it has taken it toll on me. Today I was admitted into Hospital to be Circumcised because of my diabetes. My Doctors n Nurse said it was quite a common thing with Diabetic men I thought yeah right they just sayin that to make me feel better well how wrong was I there were about 5 men in today who all had diabeties... So a word to the all the men on here dont wait untill its to late get yourself checked out...

So anyway no fun for me for about 2 weeks depending on how long it takes to get well lol


This came up on CWD a little while ago...not sure if it's the same thing but it's being said that there is a possible link to diabetes and other autoimmune conditions with this. For men/boys it's known as BXO in boys, and is 'cured' by circumcision. In women there could be a diagnosis of Lichen Sclerosus present with lots of UTIs.

A mum on CWD said that it's suspected of being autoimmune. Its closely linked with having an underactive thyroid apparently.
Hmmm. Food for thought. Like Rossi, I'd like to know more, so if you wouldn't mind a quick my way, I'd appreciate it, thanks. 🙂

Always good to have a heads up, so to speak, about these things.

Recover soon.

jules hope all is not too painful good luck x🙂
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