diabetes fatigue...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry everyone, just need to rant & let off steam a bit!! Don't bother reading this unless you're feeling really cheerful & resilient - I'm afraid I'm taking a wallow in self pity!!

I'm so tired of chaotic sugar levels, playing catch-up to highs / lows, missing/delaying injections because I'm chasing around after my toddler, even though I know I should be especially on the ball at the mo because we're ttc number 2, but somehow I keep finding myself grazing carby snacks that then play havoc with my levels...I know I shouldn't but it;s like I can't help myself?!! Stupid woman!!! and as if short term control isn't a big enough issue I've already had to have laser surgery on both eyes because of proliferate diab retinopathy, I've an eye check early aug & I'm dreading it because I'm one of the very few people who get a reaction to this horrible fluorescent dye they stick into your vein so they can get really good pics of the back of your eyes (- ie vomiting violently over the following 24 hrs) ...and I thought the eye drops alone were bad!!! I'm really worried that if my eyes are worse they have to zap again I won't be able to drive...so I won't be able to get to work...so I'll lose my job - argh!!! (public transport would cost a bomb & literally take hours) I hate my stupid body!!! I just feel like it's letting me down - I couldn't even reach full term with our son because my cr***y kidneys started to fail & I got Pre eclampsia - that was with such careful control I'd got an HbA1c of 5.2%!!! These days I can't seem to get below 7.5%. I do try & maintain good control but then I just get so bloody tired of trying to think & juggle everything & I'm so tired because I haven't had a solid nights sleep since I don't know when & I am just so fed up!!!! I know rationally that I am way luckier than a lot of people & I really shouldn't whinge, but I am so fed up! Aaargh!! I hate it, I know I need to get my butt in gear but I'm so tired & fed up. It's pathetic. It just feels like it's 110% effort with absolutely no slip ups will get you moderately good control, anything less & it's sheer bloody chaos.

Sorry to rant, but it's that or literally bang my head against the wall!!😡
Sorry everyone, just need to rant & let off steam a bit!! Don't bother reading this unless you're feeling really cheerful & resilient - I'm afraid I'm taking a wallow in self pity!!

I'm so tired of chaotic sugar levels, playing catch-up to highs / lows, missing/delaying injections because I'm chasing around after my toddler, even though I know I should be especially on the ball at the mo because we're ttc number 2, but somehow I keep finding myself grazing carby snacks that then play havoc with my levels...I know I shouldn't but it;s like I can't help myself?!! Stupid woman!!! and as if short term control isn't a big enough issue I've already had to have laser surgery on both eyes because of proliferate diab retinopathy, I've an eye check early aug & I'm dreading it because I'm one of the very few people who get a reaction to this horrible fluorescent dye they stick into your vein so they can get really good pics of the back of your eyes (- ie vomiting violently over the following 24 hrs) ...and I thought the eye drops alone were bad!!! I'm really worried that if my eyes are worse they have to zap again I won't be able to drive...so I won't be able to get to work...so I'll lose my job - argh!!! (public transport would cost a bomb & literally take hours) I hate my stupid body!!! I just feel like it's letting me down - I couldn't even reach full term with our son because my cr***y kidneys started to fail & I got Pre eclampsia - that was with such careful control I'd got an HbA1c of 5.2%!!! These days I can't seem to get below 7.5%. I do try & maintain good control but then I just get so bloody tired of trying to think & juggle everything & I'm so tired because I haven't had a solid nights sleep since I don't know when & I am just so fed up!!!! I know rationally that I am way luckier than a lot of people & I really shouldn't whinge, but I am so fed up! Aaargh!! I hate it, I know I need to get my butt in gear but I'm so tired & fed up. It's pathetic. It just feels like it's 110% effort with absolutely no slip ups will get you moderately good control, anything less & it's sheer bloody chaos.

Sorry to rant, but it's that or literally bang my head against the wall!!😡

Oh blimey Twitchy, wish I could come and give you a big old hug. I can't put myself in your place as it is my daugther with the diabetes not me but I can compute about wanting the snacks and the constant worrying about levels albeit for my daughter and not me.

I am massively overweight (not diabetic though) and I desparately need to lose probably about 8 stone but can I get that in my thick head, no. What will happen to my daughter if anything happens to me. I'm a single parent who would look after her, yet can I stop reaching for the nearest food I can get my hands on carbs or otherwise. Can I hell !!

I don't know what to suggest to you at all as I'm as bad with food for me. My daughter eats very healthily, its just me that doesn't. All I can say is please try not to worry about things until they happen. If you worry about stuff and it hasn't happened and it may never happen then you will just feel worse and worse.

Take care of yourself and you can only do what you can do, don't beat yourself up. x
Twitchy, very sorry to hear that diabetes is crowding in on you at the moment - but glad you aired your feelings here - definitely better than banging your head against the wall! I'm hoping that things will start looking up for you soon, what with the pump and everything - that should help you get better control and give you more flexibility and hopefully that will make you feel like you have more freedom.🙂
Hi Twitchy, I hope you are feeling better. It helps to have a rant and let it all out. Most of us here have been through and still do go through similar emotions from time to time.

It is difficult to work and run a home and look after a family and find time for yourself.

Do keep comming back and seeing what others have to say. You are not alone.
Good rant Twitchy!

Feel free to give it another go anytime.

I like you often think well I haven't got it half as bad as some, but maybe you shouldn't think of that just try and calm and get your head straight, I'm sure you will, hey if you've had a hba1c of 5.2 you've got it in you!!

Best wishes

Awww Twitchy.
I'm so sorry for your troubles and struggles, although I do find it reassuring that others out there struggling with diabetes like me.

I have no words of advice or whatever.

I just want to say I know exactly how you feel. I have struggled with my diabetes since being diagnosed 16 years ago. In and out of hospital all through high school, have cateracts removed aged 14, suffering fits, trying to be 'the same' as all my friends, having erratic blood sugars, beign told I have retinopathy, the list goes on huh?!!!

I do hope things improve for you.

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