diabetes: disease or condition?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i just read on a facebook group that 'diabetes is a difficult disease to live with'

yes its difficult to live with, but personally i don't consider it a disease. and why? Because you can't catch it. Diseases you can catch, like the plague or some others that I can't think of right now. Diabetes is a medical condition surely?

sorry but it really bugs me when people call it a disease...but I'd be interested to know your views
Hi Sam,

I think this one pops up now and again, I agree with you completely and the last thread like this I read most of "us" preferred to call it a "condition" But and I'll say this quietly, so listen in, it is by definition a disease, just like the plague! Sorry.
is it really?!
Cuz when i was diagnosed my specialist ( a really really cool guy!) told me that under no circumstances was it a disease, for the very reason you can't catch it :confused::confused:

i don't want to be diseased :(
Then you're not diseased, you just have a condition!

yay :D

it's just wierd isn't it, how people call it one thing and then another...i wish people would make up their minds because i don't know what to believe!
You can't stop people thinking what they do normally!
So long as you're smiling then they can do as they please.
You don't have to believe anyone body or thing, you're living with it girl, so no one can tell you wot!
Now go enjoy your saturday night!
PS congrats on job.
Hello all,

Diabetes would count as a disease, a chronic one to be specific. Here's the definition of a disease - "A malfunction of the body leading away from health." More precisely diabetes is a chronic disease as it is "an ongoing condition"

Bloody A level biology, I had to learn that definition. That and teach my class about diabetes.
Hello all,

Diabetes would count as a disease, a chronic one to be specific. Here's the definition of a disease - "A malfunction of the body leading away from health." More precisely diabetes is a chronic disease as it is "an ongoing condition"

Bloody A level biology, I had to learn that definition. That and teach my class about diabetes.

'ongoing condition' sounds better than disease 😱

You can't stop people thinking what they do normally!
So long as you're smiling then they can do as they please.
You don't have to believe anyone body or thing, you're living with it girl, so no one can tell you wot!
Now go enjoy your saturday night!
PS congrats on job.

i like that 🙂 keep smiling and let everyone else think as they please, they don't have to live with it! Ah saturday night in front of American Dad and cheesy 90's video games. And thank you :D
Hi Sam , yes sorry but Diabetes is classed as a disease :(:(:( Well look on the bright side , there are worse diseases to have ........... I'll think of some soon:confused:
It's a "chronic condition", dont worry, noone thinks of it as a desease, even if it's the scientific term 😉
My understanding is a disease can be caught and cured but a condition is something that happens and wont go away however much you treat it. We have a condition...

a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.
2. any abnormal condition in a plant that interferes with its vital physiological processes, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, unfavorable environmental, genetic, or nutritional factors, etc.
3. any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society: His fascination with executions is a disease.
4. decomposition of a material under special circumstances

A condition creates symptoms that arise out of faulty regime, which can be faulty nutrition, dormition (improper sleep), hydration (taking in enough water, and not beverages) and exercise.
For example, in one case a person may have an ulcer simply because they don't drink enough water, and by drinking a sufficient amount of good spring water the symptoms can disappear. A cow that tends to have retained placentas might not have enough minerals in her, and by providing them she is better able to expel the afterbirth.
People who don't sleep enough because they tend to watch television or work on the computer all night long will have an increased need for sugar to keep up their brain activity. This behavior promotes weight gain. Here the amount of sleep is directly linked to the intake of sugar and the problem with putting on excess weight.
An insufficient amount of iodine in your body can lead to thyroid problems, and the list is long as to what that can subsequently trigger.
So a condition is not a disease, but is triggered by bad habits that work against keeping us in a state of health.

i think we had this discussion a little while ago and alot of us said condition including me
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So a condition is not a disease, but is triggered by bad habits that work against keeping us in a state of health.

i think we had this discussion a little while ago and alot of us said condition including me

Hmmmm, I don't agree with the last statement about bad habits. After all we still don't know enough about the causes, possibly viral, lack of iodine in modern foods/manufacture, inherited - hardly 'bad habits!' I don't think many type 2's would like this description because of popular mythology about eating too much sugar! I do like to think of it as a condition tho' although to be truthfull, I'm not too bothered how its classified - more concerned about what's being done about it! Yhanks for the definitions Steff 🙂
Hmmmm, I don't agree with the last statement about bad habits. After all we still don't know enough about the causes, possibly viral, lack of iodine in modern foods/manufacture, inherited - hardly 'bad habits!' I don't think many type 2's would like this description because of popular mythology about eating too much sugar! I do like to think of it as a condition tho' although to be truthfull, I'm not too bothered how its classified - more concerned about what's being done about it! Yhanks for the definitions Steff 🙂

yup dont shoot me i just found out and pasted x
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Hi All,

When Nathan was diagnosed the consultant referred to diabetes as a chronic life long condition.
I call it a condition...some have mentioned to me in passing it is a disease or illness.
My best friend is type1 and has been since 8mths old...she calls it a condition.
I think it is down to the individual and what they wish to call it..I have some other words for it ...but would not post them.....lol🙂

Hi All,

When Nathan was diagnosed the consultant referred to diabetes as a chronic life long condition.
I call it a condition...some have mentioned to me in passing it is a disease or illness.
My best friend is type1 and has been since 8mths old...she calls it a condition.
I think it is down to the individual and what they wish to call it..I have some other words for it ...but would not post them.....lol🙂


ohh go on heidi i dare you heheheh
Eeerrrr dirty deseased people we are!

I don't like that word at all, its like an std but you don't have to sleep with someone to get it! It sounds seedy

I much prefer condition or illness.

Julie x

a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.
2. any abnormal condition in a plant that interferes with its vital physiological processes, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, unfavorable environmental, genetic, or nutritional factors, etc.
3. any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society: His fascination with executions is a disease.
4. decomposition of a material under special circumstances

A condition creates symptoms that arise out of faulty regime, which can be faulty nutrition, dormition (improper sleep), hydration (taking in enough water, and not beverages) and exercise.
For example, in one case a person may have an ulcer simply because they don't drink enough water, and by drinking a sufficient amount of good spring water the symptoms can disappear. A cow that tends to have retained placentas might not have enough minerals in her, and by providing them she is better able to expel the afterbirth.
People who don't sleep enough because they tend to watch television or work on the computer all night long will have an increased need for sugar to keep up their brain activity. This behavior promotes weight gain. Here the amount of sleep is directly linked to the intake of sugar and the problem with putting on excess weight.
An insufficient amount of iodine in your body can lead to thyroid problems, and the list is long as to what that can subsequently trigger.
So a condition is not a disease, but is triggered by bad habits that work against keeping us in a state of health.

i think we had this discussion a little while ago and alot of us said condition including me

😱 So thats how I caught it :(

Eeerrrr dirty deseased people we are!

I don't like that word at all, its like an std but you don't have to sleep with someone to get it! It sounds seedy

I much prefer condition or illness.

Julie x

😛 For some reason this has just given me a fit of giggles!! Thanks Julie for brightening up my day :D
I'd say condition, but to be honest I'm not that worried about how it is refered to. Same as I don't mind being called a diabetic rather than a person with diabetes.
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