Diabetes cure 'in the pipeline'

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I'll believe it when i see it Scotty like you said wont be in my lifetime i bet..
I'm sure the jury is still out on this I'll reserve judgment until they come back in.
I'm out on this one ... even if it was possible can you imagine how much it would cost?

I'll guarantee that our government wouldn't subsidise it and we'd have to travel there! XxXxX
I've been reading the same sort of headlines for at least 30 years and I'm sure people were full of optimism way before then. As you say, it won't happen any time soon but I would have thought that something like gene therapy would be the most likely way forward.

We'll have to save our pennies so our grandchildren can benefit from it. 🙂

Never say never is what I say, and who knows what developments lay ahead for us on this journey. Medical science is advancing at a astonishing rate and provided funds are made available for research, I am optimistic there will be a cure of sorts in the next 10-20 years. Toby.
for some peculiar reason I doubt that there will be a permanent cure to diabetes during my lifetime either (and I'm only 28) there may be a method to prevent it, but not "cure" it. I will gladly be proven wrong in this, but will stand by this statement until it is proven wrong.

not that I'm pessimistic by nature, I'm just not optimistic for an overnight cure. Yet anyway.
It has to be right down to the ginetic material...............there are many options that could eliminate the need ofr injecting and testing, but to cure it means stopping the body attacking itself (type 1) and being resistant (type 2).

When that little problem is cracked, it wont just be diabetes that goes out the window....

As long as treatment gets better, we can all be fit and healthy to find the answers...............
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