Diabetes can?t stop Texas Stars duo

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last month many sports teams focused on Movember campaigns to raise awareness about men?s health issues. However, the month of November has a very different and extremely personal meaning for two Texas Stars forwards.

November is also National Diabetes Month.

Seasoned vet Toby Petersen and rookie Taylor Vause both suffer from the disease, which destroys the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.

"A lot of people feel that diabetes will hinder your life, that it will stop you from doing what you want to do. That was my worry," said Vause. "You can go out and have fun with life, play sports, do well in school and live a healthy life with diabetes."

Both Vause and Petersen have to work to continually monitor their blood sugar during the day but also during Stars? practices and games.

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