Diabetes campaign hits highway

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A CRASH in 2006 changed Sharon Whitchurch-Bell's life.

Ms Whitchurch-Bell was only given a slim chance at rehabilitation after she was struck by a driver suffering from hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar brought on by diabetes.

Also called hypo, without treatment it can cause fitting and a loss of consciousness, especially dangerous when driving.

On her way to work on March 16, 2006, the mother of three was struck by a truck driver suffering a hypo episode.

She ended up in hospital with numerous injuries including facial and fractures, damage to her heart and liver and both her hips were broken.


"The reality is most diabetics don't understand the consequences of driving with diabetes," she said.

There's a scary thought! 😱 Although the article fails to explain that it is not simply havingdiabetes that caused the accident, it was the treatments used for it.
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