Diabetes burnout

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New Member
Hi everyone,
Haven’t been on here in a long while.
I am really struggling at the moment I am going through a major burnout episode at the worst possible time
I am going through IVF with my wife atm not pregnant yet but hoping to be very soon and I’m am so sick and tired of continuously having to keep doing blood sugars and all the injections. Having to keep an extra eye on everything is so tiring I’m getting to the stage where I’m just not eating properly I’m either not eating or I’m binging and then I feel so ashamed and guilty that I feel I can’t open up to anyone because a lot of people don’t understand. I had really bad control several years back with a lot of DKA’s and I’ve only just started getting everything back on track over the last 3 years I dropped my Hba1c from 137 to 84 which was a massive improvement and I’m scared that how I’m feeling now is going to really affect my control and also my chances of getting pregnant. I am absolutely terrified because I want to have a baby I have waited so long for this and now it seems like my diabetes yet again is getting in the way. I am extremely frustrated about it and it’s causing me issues.
Is there anyone out there that has or is going through too?? I could really do with some advice
Sorry to hear about your burnout @Racheel It’s a horrible thing. But, thinking positively, you have every incentive to conquer it - and I believe you can. I had burnout very badly a few years ago, and I found that simplicity and routine helped a lot. It meant I didn’t have to think. I could deal with the diabetes automatically. I ate the same breakfast and lunch so I didn’t have to worry about carb counting. I ate them at the same time every day as part of a ‘don’t have to think about it’ routine.

IMO, probably a lot of the problem is the stress of IVF. When I had my burnout, I was undergoing stress and Type 1 on top of that just felt unbearable. Even if you didn’t have Type 1, you’d still be stressed about IVF. As I’m sure you know, that’s not helpful. Can you access counselling via your IVF service? Can you see a private counsellor? Talking can really help.

I strongly suggest you look into mindfulness too. If you haven’t tried it, it might all sound a bit airy-fairy, but it’s affect was an amazing. It makes you feel calmer and more centred and focussed. Also, when I was going through really bad stress, I did Tai Chi. I wasn’t expecting anything from it at all, I was just interested to try it. However, it’s affecting my confidence, focus and inner strength was incredible. Do consider it.

Are you on the IVF meds yet? They (and all hormones) can mess with your blood sugar, causing extra stress and guilt. Do you have a supportive DSN who can help? Please do eat. As you’ve seen, not eating leads to binges. I had an ED and those binges aren’t just a mental problem, they’re largely caused by the not eating. It’s like a horrible rollercoaster.

Plan out your meals (keeping the same breakfast and lunch); get support from your DSN with your insulin doses; and take one day at a time. Don’t think about the diabetes too much. Doggedly plough on, injecting and eating.

Do you have a pump? If not, could you look into that? That could help a lot and would certainly be a help in pregnancy. You’re not alone. It’s rough, but you can do it. Don’t expect perfection. Good enough is ok xx
So sorry to hear about the burnout you are going through @Racheel :(

You aren’t alone. Many members of the forum have been through it, and as you’ve said, it often comes at the very worst times :(

Give yourself credit for the amazing progress you have made over the past 3 years. And recognise all the knowledge, skills, strategies, and resilience you have built up over that time. None of thst has been wasted, and all of it can help you find a way through this difficult period. Which will pass.

I’m also a fan of simplifying things to reduce some of the mental burden, and reduce the number of variables. That way I find it easier to soot when my doses / insulin needs are changing slightly through the year, as the ‘inputs’ are the same - so if BGs start playing up after exactly the same breakfast that has been fine for months I know it’s my diabetes playing silly beggars, and not me getting it ‘wrong’.

I strongly suggest you look into mindfulness too. If you haven’t tried it, it might all sound a bit airy-fairy, but it’s affect was an amazing. It makes you feel calmer and more centred and focussed.

I found Mindfulness really helpful too. Along with some CBT workbooks which helped me understand how my brain and patterns of thinking weren’t necessarily helping me at times.
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