Diabetes breakthrough as scientists discover rare game-changing insulin


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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
There is a heading I came across today "Diabetes breakthrough as scientists discover rare game-changing insulin" Its for Type 1 - I note the online papers are requiring payment to view now, but its possible to find same heading for on line for free somewhere.

Express & Mirror say; 11 Aug 2024 — Scientists have reportedly developed a new insulin that could possibly revolutionise the treatment for millions with type one diabetes ...

Australia news say: This is dated May 2024 so may have been mentioned previously.
An international team, led by researchers from Australia, have developed a system using nanotechnology that could allow people with diabetes to take oral insulin in the future. The researchers say the new insulin could be eaten by taking a tablet or even embedded within a piece of chocolate.2 May 2024

The University of Sydney
https://www.sydney.edu.au › news › 2024/05/02 › nanot...

Nanotech opens door to future of insulin medication
I am always intrigued by the idea of insulin in tablet form.
Because I don’t understand how it would work for someone who carb counts (which is the majority of people with Type 1) and adjusts their insulin accordingly. I picture something akin to the old fashioned scales where you would need a 4 unit pill, a 2 unit pill and a half unit pill for 6.5 units (which, is a large bolus for me).
The only way this would work (in my limited mind) would be if this was the smart insulin that only started working when needed.
Otherwise, I would rather inject. I know there are people with needle phobias who may prefer this but I also know people who cannot swallow tablets.

It feels like this is addressing the wrong problem, just like the basal which can be taken once a week but you still need a bolus every time you eat.
I think it might be these @helli

It doesn’t appeal to me at all. Another money-making scheme IMO. Even though I have a needle phobia, injections are so far down the list of bad things about Type 1, I’m happy to continue with them.
I read another headline Inka that said it has been introduced in NI so maybe they are going to be the guinea pigs in this.
The information I did manage to read indicated there would be no need to carb count that the drug would mimic normal insulin production. Sounds miraculous :D
The information I did manage to read indicated there would be no need to carb count that the drug would mimic normal insulin production. Sounds miraculous :D

The JDRF link says it reacts to high blood sugar, but I don’t know if I’d trust it frankly, and what if I needed higher blood sugar to exercise?
Insulin in chocolate sounds like the perfect solution.

The problem with oral insulin is, as I understand it, that insulin is a protein and so is easily digested in the stomach, along with the chocolate.

Good luck to these people and I hope they crack it someday.
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what if I needed higher blood sugar to exercise?
I'd guess you'd do the same as for injected insulin. Delay tablet or miss tablet? Not sure if one could take a smaller dose than required with the tablets. Very interesting, perhaps a different way of management.