Diabetes as a risk factor for depression

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes is associated with a significantly increased risk for depressive symptoms, show findings from a large meta-analysis.

"Professionals in charge of diabetes care should be aware of this problem," say F Rotella and E Mannucci from Careggi Teaching hospital in Florence, Italy.

"They should develop diagnostic abilities such as to recognize cases at greater risk," they add.

The findings come from an analysis of 16 longitudinal observational studies that included 497,223 individuals who were followed up for a mean of 5.8 years for incidence of depression associated with diabetes. In total, 42,633 cases were identified.


Erm, like no-one had noticed this before? Why is so much research money spent on things that have already been studied? What a waste! :(
Well Northie, we have something called a Cochrane review, don't we? Which is a meta-analysis of research and has been like, forever.

What it does is to review the findings, NOT the conclusions!

(do you recall 'Farmer et al' who pronounced that intensive testing makes T2s depressed? But when you read their paper from start to finish, you discovered that the intensive testing group were banned from taking any action to correct their BG when they tested higher than they wanted to be. No Oh I'll eat less of that in future then; no, oh I'll walk down to the end of the road and back; no, oops, best go and cut my hedge .... Yeah well, it would make me bloomin depressed an all ....) (spit ....)

And actually, NICE do it when reviewing the Guidelines.

Mike just involved us in a bit of ad hoc NICE-induced meta-analysis, didn't he? by testing whether the hypothesis NICE were using about the average age at diagnosis was correct when applied to diabetics in the wild, ie - us.

Now obviously we are too small a sample to be relied on (I think he had summat like 200 responses and that's far too small to be taken as representative of the whole of diabeteshood) and that's the problem isn't it? To get to thousands of people, it costs you .....

And anyway back on topic, there's a long term bit of research happening as we speak at Kings College Hospital on 'Diabetes Distress' being headed by someone who is 'good' LOL - which I have very high hopes of! if I survive long enough to see the results .....
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