Diabetes Anniversary

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Today is one year since found myself in hospital…. ONE YEAR! I made it 🙂

Who celebrates this day? I’m in 2 minds if it’s something that you would celebrate 🙂
Today is one year since found myself in hospital…. ONE YEAR! I made it 🙂

Who celebrates this day? I’m in 2 minds if it’s something that you would celebrate 🙂
Celebrate it as a gift of life as in the olden days you just died as insulin hadn't been discovered 🙂
Who celebrates this day? I’m in 2 minds if it’s something that you would celebrate
I don't, since I don't know what day it was (it was in 1981). Also, it was roughly this time of year and was too close to my birthday (I think I was in hospital over my birthday), so I just celebrate that.
I do.
I don't celebrate having diabetes. I celebrate having a diagnosis.
My logic is that if I was not diagnosed, I would not get the treatment and I wouldn't be here.

Maybe @Jimmy2202 celebrating leaving hospital is the way to go - it was the start of your life living with our condition and probably has less negative connotations.

So, Happy Diaversary!
What cake would you want for your diaversary?
Happy Diaversary! It is the day they figured out what was wrong with you and started to make you better.
Mine falls on the day between my birthday and Valentines day. I see no reason not to have 3 days of celebration .... any excuse! 🙄
I didn’t used to celebrate it at all, just mark it in my head and possibly have a drink, but over the years I’ve stopped thinking about it really and often only remember the day when it’s already gone past.

However, the first year is a milestone. Congratulate yourself 🙂
My Golden Diaversary in August. Think I'd like a gateau St Honore please! A dessert created in heaven.
Now there’s a challenge, making Pâte Sucrée and choux both low carb…. should be doable though! The crème diplomat isn’t a problem. I’d need a new piping nozzle to get the right shape though… I’m tempted to give it a go though. And I get to eat the results!
So traditional flavours or would Madame prefer something like strawberry perhaps or maybe a more avant guard combination?
Oh come on - the choux presence is only small profiteroles so you hardly eat a ton of flour - usually when you make em at home, the highest carb part is the choc sauce you can drizzle over em, but we don't, so they are only the choux and the whipped double cream.

Just seen some recipes and photos - never had one like that either here or in France.

Always built on a base of a single feuille (ie one layer of a millefeuille!) approx 2ins depth of 'solid' plain cream followed by same depth of strawberry flavoured very pale pink solid cream then garnished on top round the edge with alternate profiteroles and whole fresh strawberries, with piped 'stars' of more cream round the very edge and finished with some choc curls. (You stabilise the whipped cream with gelatin to 'set' it and enable slicing of the gateau.)
You don't want to keep it liquid for me - it's absolutely fine drizzled over and just left to set. Or, bunged in the freezer momentarily. Just that they sell what is thick brown chocolate flavoured glucose syrup gloop in tubes that you can buy - and people do! Yuk Yuk and thrice, Yuk.
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