Diabetes and Visual Impairment: a Barrier Free Blood Glucose Meter

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone 🙂

I'm a final year Product Design Engineering student at Edinburgh Napier University. I am designing a blood glucose meter for my honours project and I need your help! I'm passionate about inclusive design and I want to design a blood glucose meter that is easier to use for everyone but especially anyone with low vision or blindness.

If you have a vision impairment and use a blood glucose meter could you please fill in my survey using the link below? (It is completely anonymous).

I want to find the issues faced with current blood glucose meters so I can design solutions for these. I also want to find out if there is a demand for a non-visual, silent option e.g. finding out your blood glucose results silently (and not using headphones).

If you are willing to answer my questionnaire please read the participant information sheet attached first for more information about my research. By filling in the questionnaire you are giving consent for me to analyse and publish the results in my project.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.



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