Diabetes and tummy bug!


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there,
Hope you don’t mind me posting this.
I am Tyoe 2 on Metformin. Twice daily. Yesterday I started with a Tummy bug vomiting ++++ and haven’t had anything to eat or drink now for about 20 hrs. I have t taken my Metformin last night or this morning.
Any advice in best way to manage?
Big thanks xx
Well - sorry if this sounds cruel - but honestly - nobody starves to death within a day or three of no food. BUT you can become dangerously dehydrated, so you must sip preferably not gulp plain water at the very least as often as you can manage whilst your body gets rid of the bug. Please don't have anything milky or fizzy until you've stopped violent vomiting. If it's still there tomorrow get someone to go to the chemists and get you some Dioralyte - this comes in sachets which you mix with water and drink, to replace some of the minerals and other trace elements that tummy upsets rob the body of. It's very alkaline tasting though by no means revolting. Tastes like it presumably helps otherwise why would anyone wish to drink it otherwise? - and it does help!

If you have violent pain from your stomach or lower down, that is worse than the usual warnings you normally get for the loo, then consider ringing 111 if it doesn't subside once you've been to the loo.

Keep warm, don't take exercise - rest.
Hi. Really sorry to hear that you are suffering with a tummy bug and hope it settles down soon.

I have just been reading back through your previous posts and I see that in July your HbA1c had shot up to 130mmols/mol and you were put on Gliclazide as well as Metformin by a consultant at the hospital, but the you had to stop taking the Gliclazide because they were upsetting your stomach. Are you on any other medication for your diabetes other than the Metformin which I can totally understand you not taking at the moment? If not, have you tested your levels in the last day or 2 to see how high they are?

My concern is that if your levels are high, you are at risk of a very serious condition known as Diabetic KetoAcidosis (DKA) and this can cause abdominal pain and vomiting and also respiratory problems and can eventually lead to unconsciousness and coma if it isn't treated. It is often characterised by a fruity pear drop smell on your breath. If your levels are not terribly high (high is mid teens or above) then DKA is less of a concern, but I do think it may be worth getting checked out. Do you have any Ketostix to dip in your urine to check for ketones?

If there is the remotest chance that you are developing DKA then you need to get urgent medical assistance via 999. Is there someone there with you?

I appreciate that you have been diagnosed as Type 2 for quite a few years but sometimes people are actually a slow onset Type 1 and the fact that your HbA1c suddenly jumped up to 130 in the summer suggests that this is possible especially as you had lost weight preceding that result.
Hi. Really sorry to hear that you are suffering with a tummy bug and hope it settles down soon.

I have just been reading back through your previous posts and I see that in July your HbA1c had shot up to 130mmols/mol and you were put on Gliclazide as well as Metformin by a consultant at the hospital, but the you had to stop taking the Gliclazide because they were upsetting your stomach. Are you on any other medication for your diabetes other than the Metformin which I can totally understand you not taking at the moment? If not, have you tested your levels in the last day or 2 to see how high they are?

My concern is that if your levels are high, you are at risk of a very serious condition known as Diabetic KetoAcidosis (DKA) and this can cause abdominal pain and vomiting and also respiratory problems and can eventually lead to unconsciousness and coma if it isn't treated. It is often characterised by a fruity pear drop smell on your breath. If your levels are not terribly high (high is mid teens or above) then DKA is less of a concern, but I do think it may be worth getting checked out. Do you have any Ketostix to dip in your urine to check for ketones?

If there is the remotest chance that you are developing DKA then you need to get urgent medical assistance via 999. Is there someone there with you?

I appreciate that you have been diagnosed as Type 2 for quite a few years but sometimes people are actually a slow onset Type 1 and the fact that your HbA1c suddenly jumped up to 130 in the summer suggests that this is possible especially as you had lost weight preceding that result.
Thanks for your support with this.. it’s all so confusing. My BM’s are currently at 6.7-7.3. Monitoring them 3 times a day at the moment. Managing to drink and had some toast - not ideal but better than nothing. Got done home made soup on the hob son That will be good too. Xx
Good to hear your levels are in single figures and that you are now managing to eat and drink a little. Homemade soup is always a nice warming comfort treat. Hope you feel better soon.
Glad to hear you seem to be recovering a little @Salmepal

Hope the soup went down well.

Best wishes for a speedy completion to your recovery.