Diabetes and sight loss

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Nicola dawn

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I'm type 2 diabetic and I'm worried about my vision. It can be blurry or moments of almost can't see. It started after I had a diabetic eye test. Sometimes I feel prickly pain and my eyes are always dry. Is this my imagination or is it sight loss early signs ?
Hi I'm type 2 diabetic and I'm worried about my vision. It can be blurry or moments of almost can't see. It started after I had a diabetic eye test. Sometimes I feel prickly pain and my eyes are always dry. Is this my imagination or is it sight loss early signs ?
Rapidly changing blood glucose levels can affect your vision. Both high levels as the eye environment become more sugary so the shape changes but usually quite slowly so your brain adjusts but then if levels fall by changes in lifestyle quite quickly then the eye environment returns to more salty and the shape changes again back to more normal. That cut then give problems with your vision until your blood glucose settles, it can take from weeks to months.
If you are concerned then get checked by an optician but they should not prescribe new glasses until your level settles.
I have something similar at the moment bit it's mad Hay Fever from the ultra high levels of pollen at the moment giving me gritty and sticky eyes. If you are concerned see your GP or Optician and they will help.
Sorry to hear about your eye worries @Nicola dawn :(

Hopefully you can get your eyes checked and be reassured. As @Catbanj says, there have been periods of high pollen count recently, which may explain some of the itchiness and irritation you have been feeling - it’s often tempting to associate any and all ailments with our diabetes and we can forget that there’s a lot of other stuff going on too!

The risk of changes to your eyes as a result of high glucose levels (retinopathy) generally develop slowly over a number of years, and modern treatments can be very effective, alongside good blood glucose management to slow or reverse any early changes to your eyes.

One of the good things about the annual eye screening appointments with photos of your retina being carefully checked is that they can spot the very earliest ‘background’ changes, long before there is any risk to your sight, so that you can do something about it!
Rapidly changing blood glucose levels can affect your vision. Both high levels as the eye environment become more sugary so the shape changes but usually quite slowly so your brain adjusts but then if levels fall by changes in lifestyle quite quickly then the eye environment returns to more salty and the shape changes again back to more normal. That cut then give problems with your vision until your blood glucose settles, it can take from weeks to months.
If you are concerned then get checked by an optician but they should not prescribe new glasses until your level settles.
Thank you I feel better for your advice
Sorry to hear about your eye worries @Nicola dawn :(

Hopefully you can get your eyes checked and be reassured. As @Catbanj says, there have been periods of high pollen count recently, which may explain some of the itchiness and irritation you have been feeling - it’s often tempting to associate any and all ailments with our diabetes and we can forget that there’s a lot of other stuff going on too!

The risk of changes to your eyes as a result of high glucose levels (retinopathy) generally develop slowly over a number of years, and modern treatments can be very effective, alongside good blood glucose management to slow or reverse any early changes to your eyes.

One of the good things about the annual eye screening appointments with photos of your retina being carefully checked is that they can spot the very earliest ‘background’ changes, long before there is any risk to your sight, so that you can do something about it!
Thank you for your advice it is helpful.
Hi I'm type 2 diabetic and I'm worried about my vision. It can be blurry or moments of almost can't see. It started after I had a diabetic eye test. Sometimes I feel prickly pain and my eyes are always dry. Is this my imagination or is it sight loss early signs ?
Have you tried using artificial tear eye drops/lubricants? This might help alleviate the symptoms for you. My eyes tend to go blurry and gritty when not using enough lubricant in my eyes.
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