Diabetes and piercings

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’m new here! I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2017. I’ve wanted to have my nose pierced for years however my mum refused to let me but I’m considering it now!

I’ve tried to do my research about diabetes and piercings. I’m still unsure whether i should with what I’ve research.

My mmol was 98 in June but has gone down to approx 70. I’ve got 1% chance of diabetes complication in the next 10 years and my blood pressure is normal. I’ve never had an infection related to diabetes other than a UTI.

I just don’t want to have an infection and get sepsis like Google is saying. Any advice will be great
I would also take into consideration that we are coming into cold and flu season, when your nose might be more exposed to bacteria etc, so might be worth giving yourself the autumn and winter to improve your diabetes management (well done by the way, on a great improvement from 98 to 70) and aim for the late spring/early summer when perhaps less chance of infection all round.
Personally the idea of having my nose pierced and getting a streaming cold would totally put me off the idea. My nose gets sore enough without a piercing! Having said that, I haven't had a bad cold since my diabetes diagnosis and I used to get a humdinger every year!
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