Diabetes and overnight work

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I have a new job

hurray for leaving dragon boss, but boo at the new hours

overnights - sunday to thursday 10pm - 6am

how is this going to affect my diabetes???? I'm really worried my levels will get screwed over big time. I'm worried the first week or so I'll be falling asleep on shift due to lack of sleep. The biggest thing I'm worried about obviously is my insulin doses - when to take them, do I change the doses?

I spoke to my DSN on the way back and asked, and she said to just switch my midday dose to a middle of the night one...and have breakfast as soon as I get in...


oh hun, congrats on the new job but I agree BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the new hours!!

I used to do shiftwork but about 2 years ago stopped becuase I couldnt control my diabetes and kept going on my job days only. It was Lantus that was difficualt for me, I never seemed to get the background right. The feeling of tiredness as well used to make me think I was hypos when I wasnt also.

Not long ago I was chatting with Nikki (Sofaraway) in a pm and I am pretty sure she does a bit of shift work, I expect she can offer you some advice or tips...?

Good luck with the new job! I would get the strips in full stock, I expect this will require some regular testing for a little bit!

Lots of love xx
Well done on your new job, shame it wasn't the dragon leaving though!

Sorry can't be of help with injections etc.

Julie x
Hi Sam,

Congrats on the new job and escaping the dragon! 🙂

My brother is diabetic and works shifts (some complicated pattern that I can never follow).

He does Mon, Tue dayshift, then Wed, Thur off, then Fri, Sat Sun nightshift. The following week he does Mon, Tue Off, Wed Thur dayshift, Fri, Sat, Sun off, etc

Not sure exactly what he does, but he never has any problems. The way he explained it to me was that he "turns night into day" so instead of thinking it as day and night, he thinks of it as the 12 hours he's awake and the 12 hours he's asleep.

Hi Salmonpuff - congratulations on the new job. I've worked some very odd hours before and since diagnosis. Basically, keep the basal times roughly the same whether on days or nights, and have bolus for each meal. Personally, I usually eat "breakfast" when I get up, whether morning or evening, midday meal (or midnight) and "tea" before bedtime, whether in morning or evening. A couple of other things that might help you sleep - consider darkness of your curtains, and have ear plugs to hand - foam ones are very cheap and quite comfortable. I always find I need to get up for a wee during my first sleep of a stretch of night duty, not because blood sugar levels are are too high, but because antidiuratic hormone hasn't retiems itself.
Hi sam,

I did some tempory work in a factory whilst I was at uni and worked from 6pm-6am. I found my levels through the night were quite good because it was physical work and I was standing up all the time, I probably had more hypos though but not bad ones. I always went high during the next day when I slept. I didnt have a chance to sort it out because I was only working there for a few weeks. Goodluck, i'm sure you'll manage to adjust.

My Fiancee (T1 on 2 inj a day) works shift work.
When she works nights (11pm - 7am) she eats a hearty main meal as normal in the evening before work and does her injection but gives herself more than if she was just going to bed as she knows she will be eating lunch during the night (so for eg she takes 18-20 units instead of 14-16 depending on what she eats for dinner obviously).
Then eats her lunch at work (sandwich etc) at ~1am then comes home at 7am) and eats her usual breakfast and does her injection, but only takes enough to deal with her brekkie and allow her to sleep until ~4pm without hypo then eats her dinner as above in the evening.

This seems to work quite well, although we had to pretty much figure it out for ourselves.

I hope this helps. 🙂
I work shifts and that includes nights, I only work 3 a month. I work 19:45- 7:45 so a 12 hour shift. What I do is opposite to copepod, I keep the meals at the right times, so when I wake up at 17:30ish I will have an evening meal, then I will have a snack on my break in the middle of the night, that can be anywhere between midnight and 4am, as only 1 person can be on break at a time. I will eat and take my novorapid doses as usual for meals but I will have uncovered snacks on my break.
I keep the lantus the same, split dose at 21:00 and 8:00.

I used to find that my basal was perfect on days, but on nights I would get hypos in the night, bad ones sometimes (1.x on more than 1 occasion). It was because I was very active at the time when I was normally asleep. I tried reducing my basal but not with great success, so uncovered snacks has done the trick and is what I am doing at the moment.

I always find the first night the worst. as I can't sleep beforehand and so am really tired. I don't like nights and would like to drop them compltely, but diabetes isn't the major problem.

Congratualtions on the job 🙂
Congratulations on new job. can't add to advice already given, but am pleased you have a job.
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