Diabetes and Kidneys

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with Type 2 and need some help please. I am still going for blood tests - so many it feels like I'm at the Doctors every week (I am). I have urine tests and blood test but a few things I don't understand. Why do I have full blood counts? amongst all the others, they seem to be taking great interest in my Kidneys but I'm not sure why? and I have been booked an ultrasound for early January! Are all theses tests normal?
Thank you
I still have pages of blood tests every year.
I've had a few ultrasounds as well, so really it's best to wait until you get the results back.
Thank you for replying I much appreciate it and yes I'll just have to wait - it's the suspense I can't stand.
They often do a full blood count as some of the things will indicate infection or anaemia both of which can affect the HbA1C result, kidney function tests are routine if on blood pressure meds, statins or other medications. It can be because they want to get a base line before any treatment is suggested.
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with Type 2 and need some help please. I am still going for blood tests - so many it feels like I'm at the Doctors every week (I am). I have urine tests and blood test but a few things I don't understand. Why do I have full blood counts? amongst all the others, they seem to be taking great interest in my Kidneys but I'm not sure why? and I have been booked an ultrasound for early January! Are all theses tests normal?
Thank you

It's OK, fairly standard, they probably check out kidneys because high blood sugar can affect them and, in some cases, certain drugs may not be suitable for you (Metformin, for instance) depending on kidney function. Every blood test I've had has had kidney checks.
They often do a full blood count as some of the things will indicate infection or anaemia both of which can affect the HbA1C result, kidney function tests are routine if on blood pressure meds, statins or other medications. It can be because they want to get a base line before any treatment is suggested.
Thank you for replying, yes they've found both of those, anaemia and high blood pressure and I'm now on tablets for them both. I was worried this was something out of the ordinary.
It's OK, fairly standard, they probably check out kidneys because high blood sugar can affect them and, in some cases, certain drugs may not be suitable for you (Metformin, for instance) depending on kidney function. Every blood test I've had has had kidney checks.
Thank you for replying, I am on Metformin, the timed release version as the ordinary Metformin didn't agree with me, it made me nauseous. It's a bit of a comfort to know that it's something that is done routinely although I am assured by the Diabetic Nurses that eventually I will be down to two or three blood tests a year.
I imagine they will be looking at your liver and pancreas with the ultrasound, to get an idea of their condition. Fatty liver disease often goes hand in hand with Type 2 and if you have gall stones, that can cause problems for the pancreas, causing it to get inflamed and any damage or disease of the pancreas can also lead to diabetes because it is the pancreas which produces insulin.
Sounds like your doc is being really thorough, which is great. Many people just get prescribed Metformin and sent on their way. You are lucky to have a doctor who is prepared to authorize these extra tests.
I imagine they will be looking at your liver and pancreas with the ultrasound, to get an idea of their condition. Fatty liver disease often goes hand in hand with Type 2 and if you have gall stones, that can cause problems for the pancreas, causing it to get inflamed and any damage or disease of the pancreas can also lead to diabetes because it is the pancreas which produces insulin.
Sounds like your doc is being really thorough, which is great. Many people just get prescribed Metformin and sent on their way. You are lucky to have a doctor who is prepared to authorize these extra tests.
Thank you. Yes my Doctor is great and I am lucky to have her. I've read some horror stories on the internet about Diabetes and I must admit I was sitting here shaking at some of them so I thought I would ask the people who know - you lot and I have to say I am somewhat calmed.
I imagine they will be looking at your liver and pancreas with the ultrasound, to get an idea of their condition. Fatty liver disease often goes hand in hand with Type 2 and if you have gall stones, that can cause problems for the pancreas, causing it to get inflamed and any damage or disease of the pancreas can also lead to diabetes because it is the pancreas which produces insulin.
Sounds like your doc is being really thorough, which is great. Many people just get prescribed Metformin and sent on their way. You are lucky to have a doctor who is prepared to authorize these extra tests.
Barbara's right-- it's great that your doctor is doing a really thorough job! I know at first it may seem worrying to get a lot of tests, but actually it's reassuring-- you're getting the Rolls Royce service, to make sure everything's ok and, if anything's a little off, nip it in the bud. You'll have other Type 2s asking you who your doctor is, wanting to sign up with her. ; )
Thank you. Yes my Doctor is great and I am lucky to have her. I've read some horror stories on the internet about Diabetes and I must admit I was sitting here shaking at some of them so I thought I would ask the people who know - you lot and I have to say I am somewhat calmed.

I've been fortunate.
My first doctor was brilliant in a family practice, and when I moved the new practice is a larger health centre but equally on the ball.
Find it very reassuring when drs clinics are proactive & request bloods to check things like kidneys, so see it as a good thing my friend.
Find it very reassuring when drs clinics are proactive & request bloods to check things like kidneys, so see it as a good thing my friend.
Hi thanks for replying. I do see it as a good thing but I don't understand half of what she tells me sometimes and I have all these horrible thoughts going round in my head. Seriously, sometimes I find it terrifying.
I've been fortunate.
My first doctor was brilliant in a family practice, and when I moved the new practice is a larger health centre but equally on the ball.
Hi thanks for replying. I am fortunate I know. I live in one part of Somerset and 5 miles up the road in a different town it's another story, you can't get an appointment let alone anything else
Barbara's right-- it's great that your doctor is doing a really thorough job! I know at first it may seem worrying to get a lot of tests, but actually it's reassuring-- you're getting the Rolls Royce service, to make sure everything's ok and, if anything's a little off, nip it in the bud. You'll have other Type 2s asking you who your doctor is, wanting to sign up with her. ; )
Hi thanks for replying. You're not wrong, even my neighbours are envious.
Hi thanks for replying. I do see it as a good thing but I don't understand half of what she tells me sometimes and I have all these horrible thoughts going round in my head. Seriously, sometimes I find it terrifying.

Well if something was amiss they would contact you to say so, so fear not my friend.
Hi thanks for replying. I do see it as a good thing but I don't understand half of what she tells me sometimes and I have all these horrible thoughts going round in my head. Seriously, sometimes I find it terrifying.
I went through that stage, as soon as you google diabetes the internet comes up with a whole host of ways that we will shuffle off this planet. You get over the health anxiety and knowledge is power. These days if you put the effort in you can stay more or less as healthy as the next person. Good that your getting lots of attention by your doctors, there may be something slightly off, but to be fair most of the population if given an MOT would find something slightly off… and if that’s the case we can usually fix it. Always come on for a chat if your worried xx
One of the benefits of a diagnosis with diabetes is that we get a pretty thorough MOT every year to make sure things are pootling along OK.

There are 15 healthcare essentials that should be offered or discussed every year including checks on kidney function, heart health, cholesterol, glucose, and more besides 🙂

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