Diabetes and Infection...Please advise.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

I am in a bit of a muddle...For the first time since being diagnosed I am feeling unwell:( I have been feeling this way since Thursday, I have a sore throat, stuffed nose, severe headaches & Nausea. I was in a terrible state last nite with bad sweats and got hardly any sleep.

I have been testing my BG and it has ranged between 10 & 12...10.9 at waking. I tested during the early hours and it was 11.9. I also took my tempreture which is only slightly up, 98.9 F.

I am currantly on 16 units Leveimer once a day & 4 Units, just started, of Novorapid, just with my evening meal.

I have taken my usual meds and some paracetomol...but, I know this may sound silly, I am unsure of when, or if, to get worried about being unwell :confused:

I feel quite hungry, I don't know if this is a good sign?....I am having some dinner in a bit, because I have been unable to leave the house to shop, I only have bread & beans in!...Should I be cutting my carbs lower when unwell?

I phoned the pharmacy and she said, if my BG go into high teens to phone the NHS. She also said that, if I was not well by the end of the weekend to go to my doctors.....Is this the right advice please?

Any help would be very much appretiated...Thank you!

with a cold/illness that become infections, it seems that the BS do generally go a bit silly ...
there is a nasty one going around here at mo with sore throat, headache, neck ache, and sicky feelings ...both my boys have had it this week...so try not to worry too much unless as the NHS direct advice ....drink that water elllowynne and good luck xx
Ps those BS levels are so much better than when you first joined well done !!🙂
Hi Ellowynne, sorry to hear you're not well. I think the pharmacy has given you good advice. I know levels of 10-12 are high, but I personally wouldn't panic about those levels. Did your DSN give you any advice about what to do when ill? I would normally increase my insulin slightly when I am ill, but I wouldn't advise you to do this without hearing it from a medical professional. Perhaps you could ring the nurse on Monday if you're not better by then?

Not sure if you need to decrease carbs or not, perhaps another T2 could offer advice on that. Drink plenty of water though, and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.
Hi Ellowyne

If you can manage some food, I think you should and don't worry too much what it is - beans on toast would be nice and filling for you. You obviously have a bug and need the energy to fight it. As other have said, those levels are not bad considering how wretched you have been - I tend to listen to my body when ill and don't get over anxious about levels as long as they are in the low teens - they should improve as you get over this - just remember to takes diabetics to throw these things off than "ordinary" folks.

Do drink plenty of fluids and take the paracetamol to get your temperature down and if you still feel rough on Monday, phone your GP's surgery and ask for advice, especially if you don't feel well enough to get yourself down there.

The NHS people are there to allay your fears, so ring them if you feel anxious - I have used them a few times and they are very reassuring and non-judgmental.

Have you had the seasonal flu jab by the way - your symptoms do sound like flu don't they?

Wishing you better soon xxx
Thank you!

Thank you for your kind and reassuring replies 🙂

I feel much better after reading your advice...as always, it's here where I can get the best advice!

I have had some dinner and took my, very small, 4 units. I will phone my DSN on Monday and ask her if I should increase my units.

I Feel terrible, and just my luck really! On Monday, I have 12' members of my family coming to the Island to visit me!!...They are all staying for a week!

Lucky, they are staying at a log cabin nearby! My Grandson is also going to be here! I don't see my grandson too often so I am so longing to see him! Oh, and One of my brothers, I have not seen in over 5 years!...I was so looking forward to a fun time, big buffet on Tuesday with all the family...I know *Carb City!*

I am just praying that this does not get worse!....fingers crossed!...Thank you all so much, I do feel a little more less worried now 🙂

Love Ellowyne.

P.S. Yes, I have had Flu & Swine flu Jabs! Hope they will help me ward this off and not get worse!
good luck with family comming that can be a stress so good long walks on the beautiful beaches should wear them out xxx
I also had all the jabs so when i was unwell over xmas i felt well put out xxx
ps my stepson swears by beechams flu plus but thay have loads of caffine in them so dont have coffee or coke aswell !🙂
I usually take cold and flu meds when I feel rough like that even though I am not supposed to, but I find it helps, doesn't get rid of it but just give symptom relief.. Lemsip max is my usual choice or the day and night ones.
The worst now is my stuffy nose! Can barely breath:(

My hubby is picking me up a nasel spray, the pharmicist said that I could use Ovtravine, but only at night for a maximum of 2 days only for Diabetics?....I Just need some relief so I can get some sleep!

I might try that Beechams whilst the family is here though, it may give me some much needed energy!...Going to do 1 hour post dinner BG reading now!
1 hour post dinner of Beans and Toast...16.7!!

Not sure if should take couple more units Novorapid?...Guess I best not untill I speak to DSN on Monday.

I'll give it a couple more hours and see if it comes down.
1 hour post dinner of Beans and Toast...16.7!!

Not sure if should take couple more units Novorapid?...Guess I best not untill I speak to DSN on Monday.

I'll give it a couple more hours and see if it comes down.

Might just be the initial rise on top of your already elevated levels, so wise to keep testing. Let us know how things go - hope they come down to better numbers over the next 2-3 hours🙂
olbas oil ....ellowynne to stop that stuffy nose ...my son who had it was having asthma problems and im trying to do the breathing excises but hes saying my nose is tooo stuffed up ...out comes the olbas oil ..... x
Oh yes...olbas oil! I forgot about that, I always used to give it to mine when they were young!

Well, BG down to 12.5 / 4 hours post dinner!

Still not good but at least they have come down!....Thank you for all the advise my friends! 🙂
good to hear levels on way Down.....its crazy really ellowynne re olbas oil... if its the kids we think of it ....ourselves ...not a chance!!! hehee look after yourelf hun...and again wow you levels are so much better than they used to be !!🙂 how the coke addicition ( again i duck as a can of DIET COKE comes flying over the solent !!)
Hi, I too have been unwell past few days with similar symptoms. This sort of thing plays havoc with sugar levels. The medical professionals usually tell me to increase short-acting but you've got to be very careful you don't over-do them and i always find it's best to stick to roughly the same but cut down completely on the carb intake. Also, keep testing very regularly. The problem is, if you increase short-acting a lot then you may go very low 2 hrs later. Also, soon you will be well again and are likely to have an 'overdose' of short-acting. You will know your're well again when you have a horrible hypo 'cause you don't need the extra anymore!

Tonight, for example, i've been out for a meal and i would usually have extra short-acting so i can have a pudding and a few more carbs but tonight i stuck to my normal dose and had fewer carbs than i would normally do; and no pudding. I was still reading 11 1hr after my meal and have had another 6 units of short-acting just to get those levels down again before i go to bed. I probably won't need anymore carbs either!

Best of luck with it.
Thank you Rawtalent...I am only on a starter of 4 units for the fast acting. I was supposed to phone DSN on Fiday, but have been so busy with arranging family visit and buffet!....Oh, Am64, the coke issue is going well, only one can in 4 days!...That is ultra good for me so I am chuffed, need to get it down to zero I know, I will get there! 😉

Thankies my friends 🙂
Thank you Rawtalent...I am only on a starter of 4 units for the fast acting. I was supposed to phone DSN on Fiday, but have been so busy with arranging family visit and buffet!....Oh, Am64, the coke issue is going well, only one can in 4 days!...That is ultra good for me so I am chuffed, need to get it down to zero I know, I will get there! 😉

Thankies my friends 🙂

hey well done ellowynne thats 3 less than you used to !!! you have cut your intake by 75% !!! .....wooop woop ...remember a little at a time xxx🙂
If you're still feeling congested, I swear by eucalyptus oil. It's the aromatherapist in me (bet none of you saw that coming!) Olbas oil is fine, but I find it's a bit pricey. Get yourself some decent but cheapish stuff from any health food shop (this is the only event in which I condone such a heinous act 😉) and throw it around your pillow. Also good is throwing some in the base of your shower. It acts like a vapour treatment, similar to the good old standby of a bowl of boiling water with a towel over your head. 🙂
like the idea of putting in the shower sacredheart - brill never thought of that!🙂
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