Diabetes and gastric bypass

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year January - at the time my GP said that my best option was to have a gastric bypass as this would 'cure' diabetes (in fact the operation itself, rather than weight loss, causes the diabetes to go into remission or at worst there is an 85% improvement in diabetes). Last week I got a date for the operation - 11 March! I'm now undecided whether to have operation? Being diabetic and having an eating disorder is tough to manage!! The operation is not going to cure the eating disorder ... if I have the op I will most probably not be dependent on insulin anymore - is that a good thing?? Trying to teach myself how to carb count - DSN has meant to have referred me to dietician but have heard nothing! I'm finding the indecision hard to manage and of course all I want to do is binge!!
I hate being in this place!

Just had to tell someone as feeling very alone with this decision - thanks for 'listening' 🙂
I don't see how a gastric bypass will 'cure' diabetes, I've certainly never heard of such a thing. It may help you lose weight because your stomach will be smaller so you'll eat less. I think you need to get a second opinion.
Hi cathplum, sorry to hear that you are feeling so alone with such an important decision to make. Jenny Ruhl (a very respected commentator on diabetes-related stuff and author of 'Blood Sugar 101') has written a blog on the subject which you might want to look at:


From what I can gather from this and other sources, it is not a cure for diabetes, but inevitably restricts food intake and can therefore result in a reduced HbA1c.

Read all you can - I personally think that there are more natural alternatives to achieving better blood sugar control, but it is not me being faced with such a huge decision. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Cathplum

I would defo get a second opinion as well.

Would you be able to see a dietician to see if they can help you with diet and the best food to eat to help you lose weight? Do you exercise or can you?

A gastric bypass is a big operation - a friend of mine had one 6 months ago she has lost 1 stone 7 lbs so far (I managed to lose 2 stone in 6 months through changing my diet completely and exercise, I have lost 3 stone total now) My friend has admitted to still eating the wrong sort of food and even admitted to purifying her food.

Hope you find some answers and you get all the help you need.
Hi there Cathplum....I can't write a very long post as I am not feeling very well :( However, when I read your post I just had to reply.

I am in the same kind of place as you. I have been Diagnosed with Diabetes nearly a year now, and ever since I have been diagnosed, I have been almost terrified into having this Gastric Bypass operation. All the Drs concerned in my care, with the exception of my Angel DSN, have been scaremongering me into having this op done. They say too that it will 'Cure' my Diabetes! As I have said to let, well no food, no high blood sugars!....As Northerner points out, Of course your Hba1c will go down, your going to be eating near to nothing!!

They also said that it would extend my life expectancy, I asked them to tell me how many OAP'S there was still alive after having the Op....To which I had no reply!....But, being afraid by what I am being told, I have been giving myself so many sleepless nights over this decision. In fact I have cancelled several appointments to do with it, I just have not felt in a good place to make such a life changing decision that I can not reverse.

I am currantly in therapy, of the talking kind, not just about this but for lots of problems I have had. For now, I have decided not to go ahead with the operation. However, you have to do what is right for you. What I would say is, please, please do not rush into this and do not let them pressure you into doing soemthing that you, and only you, will have to live with. You can post pone the op and ask to see a counsellor, so that you may have more time to make a decision. You know, what ever issues you may, or may not have, with food will not go away when they reduce your stomach and move your intestines about. Like I say, it is your decision and only one that you can make, as I have had to.

You can only do what is right for you!....I wish you the best of luck and my thoughts are with you. Please PM me if you want to talk off forum.

Love Ellowyne x

P.S. I too am a type 2 on Insulin just 2 months.
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