Diabetes and Gastric Bypass Surgery

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey guys,

I have type 2 diabetes which is way outta control and am using 120units twice a day of Levemir Insulin, 1g three times a day of Metformin and 4mg Amaryl once a day - my last HbA1C was 12.7%.

I had a gastric bypass operation on the 25th November and was hoping to come out on no medication but I am back on the above medication with the Amaryl being increased to 6mg.

Any idea whether I will ever be on little or no medication?

I don't know very much about gastric bypass. are you losing weight? how many grams of carb are you eating per day? I know that many type 2's find it helpful to reduce the amount carb in their diet to control blood sugars.
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