Diabetes and Firearms Certificate

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have a Firearms Certificate, which was renewed last September. I had a long discussion with the firearms officer about my diabetes and all was fine. Tomorrow I start on insulin. Do I need to inform the Met Police firearms team or am I covered as it was a declared condition when I applied for a renewal?
I would contact them (if possible in writing then you have a record) to check, since starting insulin is a significant change in diabetes treatment.

Don’t forget to inform DVLA and ensure you are familiar with the rules of driving whilst on insulin.

You’ll also need to inform your car insurance that your licence type has changed from full uk licence to medically restricted (likely 3yr) licence.
I'd tell them because since they wish to restrict firearms licences (and shotgun certs) to as very few people as they possibly can these days, I wouldn't risk not telling them.
Definitely tell them, upfront about everything much better than trying to explain after.
I have found all of them very helpful with SG certs anyway, and as @trophywench says it wouldn’t take much for a refusal.
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Hypo awareness and control of being paramount, BG test, test and then test some more while shooting even if you have CGM
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