Diabetes and Covid Toe

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Shortly after the district nursr I went to see the podiatrist for a routine visit. It was actually a fortnight late due to a computer glitch!

Anyway I thought I would be about 15 minutes having only the one leg. It turned out to be nearer 45. On very close examination it turned out there was a small ulcerated area under the front of the nail. The nail was trimmed back and the area cleaned up and dressed. The next two nails were fine but the next one had an innocuous small blood blister that developed a few weeks ago. This was removed but there was an issue underneath so a similar procedure was gone through. The district nurse will redress it in a week followed by a return visit to the podiatrist early the following week. Concerned is not the word! A strange thing is the phantom pain in the opposite foot returned with a vengeance last night - it's strange how your brain works!

Anyway after giving you the background onto my original reason for posting. I had Covid 6/7 weeks ago. There has been various rather sensationalist things written about Covid Toe caused by circulation issues. Perhaps I am overthinking here but has anybody else had foot issues post Covid?
Not me personally but a friend of mine had Covid some months ago (thanks kids for bringing it home from school!) and since then has had all sorts of breathing and extreme tiredness problems. He had a heart function test and was found to have only 15% efficiency and should be fitted with a pacemaker. He also had problems with all his toes turning blackish due to poor circulation. Fingers crossed for him.
Not me personally but a friend of mine had Covid some months ago (thanks kids for bringing it home from school!) and since then has had all sorts of breathing and extreme tiredness problems. He had a heart function test and was found to have only 15% efficiency and should be fitted with a pacemaker. He also had problems with all his toes turning blackish due to poor circulation. Fingers crossed for him.

Good luck to him. I don't understand Covid toes but all changes are worrying. I still suffer from tiredness and nasty bouts of coughing that come out of nowhere.
Sorry to hear about your poorly tootsies @MikeyBikey

Not heard of Covid Toe, I’m afraid, but I hope the treatment on your foot works out well.
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